🖤I'm a Babygirl Today❤️

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Per request of @My5tie_ , thank you for your request! I loved writing this one and it made me so happy, genderfluid character headcanons have my whole heart soul and body<333 xoxo

Kuroo had been going through some stuff with their identity. They think they want to use she/they/he pronouns but it's been hard figuring things out. She wanted to tell everyone yes but, that was out of the question. There was no way anyone would accept him. They felt....stuck... poor Kuroo was so stressed he had barely gotten sleep all week. Between this and a test coming up, their brain never got a break. Now it's Friday and the test is next class period. Kenma was there though so not all hope was lost.

     "Kuroo?" Kuroo's head leaked up instantly out of the daydream they were in "huh-" Kenma looked worried "Are you feeling okay? You didn't say good morning to me today..." "Oh yeah! Haha I guess my mind was just elsewhere, you know me." Kuroo laughed it off but Kenma still looked a little worried. The test started getting handed out and they wished each other good luck. Kuroo was actually pretty confident on her test so at least the studying payed off, he couldn't say the same for Kenma though. It looked like he was having a rough time.

     The test was finally done as the two walked off to lunch together. Kenma pulled out his lunchbox as they sat down outside "Where's your food?" Kuroo just shrugged "Didn't have time to make anything, I'll be fine my mom made me a pretty big breakfast this morning." Kenma was again suspicious and force fed Kuroo some of his cucumber salad but Kuroo finally got away from him after 2 or 3 bites. They yawned a bit as they relaxed their head on Kenma's shoulder. Kenma gave him a light kiss on the head which was surprising because he doesn't like pda but no one else was around at the moment.

    Kuroo basically slept through the last class of the day, managing to only get yelled at once. Everyone was in the locker rooms before practice changing when Kuroo had walked in. She felt uncomfortable in a way. They weren't a boy and they didn't want to change in the boys lockeroom. She waited for everyone else to leave before changing. They all started warm ups while waiting for their captain.

     Around 15 minutes in to practice warm ups were coming to a close, Kuroo wasn't feeling well and couldn't focus on anything but the constant rhythm of balls hitting the ground and sneakers squeaking on the gym floor. They went and sat down on the bench for a second to calm himself down. Everything was blurry. She got up and ran straight to the lockeroom. Kenma took notice and went to go check on him. "Kuroo, Kuroo are you okay?" All that was heard was a soft sob slowly quiet into sniffles.

    Kenma found them and sat down next to them. "I knew you were overworking yourself, I knew something was wrong.... I'm so sorry baby I should've done something sooner. I'm so so sorry baby." Kuroo looked up and Kenma pulled her into a hug slowly shushing and petting their head. "It's okay honey I'm here. It'll be okay..." Kenma went to go tell the boys to run their own practice today because Kuroo wasn't feeling well. They gathered both of their things and started the walk home. Kuroo lived close so it wasn't too far a walk.

     Kenma they set their stuff down by the door and walked into Kuroo's room. "Okay baby boy what do you want to wear?" Kuroo was silent and looked away. "Are you okay?" Tears filled her eyes "Kenma call Kuroo baby boy, Kuroo wanna be baby girl today...." Kenma was taken back by this statement but didn't want to freak out Kuroo in such a fragile state. "Okay baby girl, what do you want to wear today?" Kuroo looked over still teary eyes and went to pick out pajamas. Once she got changed, she ran into the kitchen.

     "Be careful baby! Don't run you might trip or fall." Despite the warning Kuroo indeed did trip while running which caused her to start crying....again. "I know I know it's okay, I know it was an accident but I told you to be careful and not to run because you could get hurt right?" Kuroo lightly nodded "Im not upset I just need you to use your big girl ears next time okay?" Kuroo babbled a bit and reached out for Kenma. Kenma hugged her and helped her up. Kenma went and made Kuroo some warm milk and got her pacifier cleaned. Kuroo just watched in awe.

     They walked back to the room and Kenma turned on Bluey. "Now I think this baby needs to take a nap. I bet she hasn't gotten much sorry these past few days has she?" Kuroo turned away with a blush as she got handed the bottle. They layer down together as Kuroo drifted into a deep sleep. Kenma cleaned up the room that had been the affect of a very sleep deprived teen, before making a snack got Kuroo to eat when she woke up.

     Kenma stumbled upon Kuroo's open computer and before he closed it, he did a little peaking. There has been many websites about gender identity and ways to figure things out and how to tell people. Along with that were multiple 'failed' attempts at trying to write a coming out note from Kuroo. This made him laugh a bit but figured he would leave it be. Kuroo would tell him once she was ready to, that was not for Kenma to decide.

Word Count: 970

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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