❤️Pity Party💜

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Tendou hated his birthday. He never celebrated it because he never had anyone to celebrate with. This year was different though. He had so many people who cared about him. He had so many new friends. He invited everyone he could think of. This was going to be the best birthday ever. This party is all he has been talking about all week!

     Ushijima came to his house after practice Friday to spend the night and help set up for Saturday. They finally started after dinner which for them was around 9:00. "Okay what should we start with?" Ushijima inquired "Well I am just so glad you asked Mr.! We have a lot to get done so I'm thinking we prepare the rice and boil the eggs tonight so we can recook the rice tomorrow to make it fried rice and we can do the deviled eggs tomorrow. Let's start with that and I have plans for everything after?" Ushijima moves going ahead to get the stuff out. He got everything they needed and started working on the rice while Tendou did the eggs.

     They finished that rather quickly, only taking about 30 minutes to do so. Once that was done they put it in containers and started on making cupcakes. Being very careful with the batter and cleaning up along the way, they finally put the cupcakes in the oven. Tendou had a special surprise for everyone that no one knew about though. He started on his plan by making good sized sugar cookies, one for everyone. Though Ushijima thought this was overkill he was just happy that Tendou was happy.

     They got the cupcakes out of the oven and put the cookies in. After letting everything cool and decorating everything, they finally put the last of the treats in the fridge around 1 am. They crashed on the couch not even caring to change or wash up. The next morning, Ushijima woke up first and decided to take a shower. He finished quickly and hopped out getting dressed and ready for Tendous birthday party. He walked into the living room to see Tendou still sleeping but sprawled out over the whole couch now. Ushijima chuckled and went to clean up the little bit of mess they didn't clean up last night.

     He checked on all of the food and treats making sure everything was in place. He thought now would be a good moment to check the time for the first this morning...or afternoon.... ITS 12:30!!! Everyone was going to be here in an hour! He ran to wake Tendou up practically dragging him into the shower. While he started cooking the food. The deviled eggs were done first so that the rice was still warm when everyone got here. Tendou jumped into the kitchen squealing in excitement. "TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!! AHHHH!!!" Ushijima gave him a quick kiss on the lips before going back to cooking the rice.

     Tendou stood behind Ushijima as he finished cooking. It was around 1:40 now so they were practically right on time. No one was here quite yet so they turned the burner off but left the pan on to keep the rice warm enough. Tendou ran to the couch and watched the door. After about 15 minutes Ushijima turned on the tv so he could get Tendou to calm down a bit. 30 minutes goes by and Tendou is invested in the show but Ushijima is getting a little concerned. No one has shown up yet, why? They wait another 30 min.

     Tendou finally looks at the time "Ushi..... where....is everyone..?" Ushijima was frantic "Oh don't worry Satori, you know our team is always late, I'm sure they'll be here soon." Tendou let out a relieved sigh and turned back to the TV. He kept track of the time from then on. An hour later realization set in. It was 4:30....no one was coming.... Tendou got up from the couch and started making his plate of food silently. Ushijima watched from the couch.

    When he saw Tendou slam his plate in the counter and slowly got up and walked up behind Tendou. "Hey...." Tendou sighed "hey..." Without another word Ushijima finished making Tendous plate and his own bringing them to the couch where they sat next to eachother in silence. Tendou hasn't even picked up his fork yet so Ushijima started getting concerned. When he looked closer he saw Tendou was crying "Baby come here" he set there plates on the side table and pulled Tendou into his lap.

      "Papa..." Ushijima aww'ed at the now regressed Tendou in his lap. Tendou cried into his neck and he hugged Ushi tight. "No one come see me. Is my bifday tho. No one like me papa?" This broke Ushijimas heart to hear from his little. "No baby it's not like that! They are just meanies, I don't know why they didn't come but hey I'm here aren't I? I like you so much and that's why I'm here! I'm so happy it's your birthday. So happy in fact, that I even got you a super special gift~" Tendou turned his head "Special gif? Fo me?" Ushijima nodded and picked up Tendou bringing him over to the table.

       He then quickly got the gift from their bedroom and ran back to the kitchen to give it to Tendou. Tendou look curiously at the box then at Ushi. "Open it!" Tendou sparky unwrapped the paper to find a box, he opened the box with a bit of struggling and saw a bunch of wrapping paper. He took out the paper and found a new pacifier! Digging further he found a new game for his Nintendo switch called "Stardew Valley" it has been one he was eyeing for months! The last thing in the box was a onesie that matched the pacifier from earlier.

     They were both purple and the pacifier has a moon in the middle with a few stars and the handle said "Sugar Plum." The onesie has a repeating pattern of the moon and stars from the pacifier. He ran and hugged Ushijima quickly saying thank you before running back to his gifts. He grabbed them and pushed everything into Ushijimas hands. "Do you want to change?" Tendou nodded and ran to their bedroom. He ripped off his clothes and Ushijima grabbed a nighttime diaper to put on him. Once Tendou was changed they grabbed a bunch of blanket and curled up on the couch to play their new switch game. No one came to Tendous party but he was okay with that. He didn't like his birthday much anyways.....unless it was with Ushi.

Word Count: 1124

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