💚The Day We Didnt Go To The Zoo💛

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     Little baby yams loved to go to the zoo but neither Tsukki nor Yamaguchi liked a lot of people so they went as often as it rained. When it rained almost no one went and today was a rainy day which meant little yams WOULD go to the zoo....

     "Papa peeaassee!" Tsukki turned in his chair and put Yamaguchi on his lap "Baby you know I love you and you know I really want to go to the zoo but we can't today, I have to much studying to do!" Yamaguchi hopped off his lap and stormed out the room slamming the door behind him. When he heard the foot steps appproch the door as he left, he immediately regretted slamming the door... "Tadashi...." Yamaguchi ran to the living room hiding behind the couch as Tsukki followed. "I'm not playing this game today Tadashj come out now!"

Yamaguchi peaked out from behind the couch and Tsukki ran over to catch him. "NO LET ME GO LET ME GO DONT TOUCH ME LET ME GO" Tsukki let go of him because he didn't want to overwhelm the little but he still had to punish him. Just as he was about to run again Tsukki spoke up "I let you go but you'll be in more trouble if you run again, sit and listen." Yamaguchi sat still with his head looking at his lap "What did you do?" He didn't answer "Corner now please" Yamaguchi HATED the corner "NO NO NO HOW LONG?!?!" "Until you can give me an answer." Yamaguchi started crying, screaming and kicking the ground "Stop!" He stopped, looked at Tsukki and hit his leg. It wasn't hard so it didn't hurt of course but Tsukki was fed up. He grabbed onto the bottom of Yamaguchi shirt and walked him over to the corner. Yamaguchi surprisingly obeyed and sat down.

    It had been 10 minutes and Yamaguchi hadn't moved "Still don't have an answer for me?" "No! Go way!"  Tsukki sighed getting up "okay..." he walked back to his room to study. "I'm in my room when you have an answer." Yamaguchi huffed and stuck his tongue out once Tsukki back was turned. *I no do nothin wong, PAPA won't let me go to da zoo! He being butthead not me! I no bad boy I good boy!* Yamaguchi just thought for a while.

It had been 25 minutes and Tsukki was getting worried. He left and went to check on Yamaguchi who was just sitting still in the corner playing with his hands. He went up to him and crouched down "Baby please talk to me...." Yamaguchi looked at him with teary eyes and hugged him, latching on for dear life. "I sowwy I bein bad, I say mean things an I huwt you n I got real mad!" Tsukki pet his head and hugged him back as he cried "I'm not going to say it's okay cause it's not, you need to understand that when Papa sets a rule you need to follow it and you broke a lot today..." "I knows Papa but I say sowwy, can we pease go to da zoo?" Tsukki sighed and pulled away to look at Yams, he wiped his tears and kissed his cheek "No baby not now you were acting like a bad boy, maybe if you're good we can go this weekend, it's supposed to rain all week so I'm sure no one is gonna go then okay? But only if you're good!" Yamaguchi nodded his head fast "I pwomsie I be good for Papa!"

As punishment for now, Tsukki set up an early bedtime for this week and he wouldn't get any stickers on his good boy chart. Yamaguchi was okay with that because he understood why he was getting punished for what he did.

PSA: Please make sure your little understand why they're getting punished and make sure they know that they aren't a bad boy/girl/baby they are just acting bad because of their actions. It's a whole lot easier for us to understand and to help us so we don't feel like we are bad all the time, we are only acting bad.

Word Count: 702

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