🤍Baby's Big Win🖤

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Bokuto hates losing, real game or not, it's all the same to him. At the training camp they were playing against Karasuno and of course he didn't think Hinata would actually use the trick Bokuto taught him, ON BOKUTO! It may sound stupid but for some reason it made sense in his head. Now he has to deal with a loss on the last game of the day.

He ate with everyone. That made him feel a little better but he was still annoyed. He knows how dumb it is to be mad at something so small, but he was for some reason, he just didn't know why this time felt different. He sat pretty quite when eating and thats when Akaashi started noticing. "Bo? You okay? Doing tell me your mad about the game?" Bokuto blushed "You are. Bokuto get over it, it was just a practice game, you should feel happy Karasuno at least got one win. And hey if you taught Hinata that trick and they win using it, it's kinda like you helped them win." Akaashi went back to talking and eating with the others.

Now Bokuto was just sad. He was being a big crybaby and now he was annoying people. God, why couldn't he ever just suck it up? He slammed on the table catching everyone's attention And then stomped away. He ran back to his room and grabbed his clothes. He went to the baths to relax in there.

Eventually he started crying, he heard footsteps about 5 minutes later and shut up rather quickly. "Bo?" Bokuto sank into the water trying to hide "Bokuto I can see you..." Bokuto sighed and sat back up in the water giving up. Akaashi walked over and sat in the water across from him. Bokuto was huddled up in himself sitting in the water not making eye contact with Akaashi. "Bokuto what's wrong? Can you please talk to me? Everyone's really worried..." Bokuto finally mumbled something "then tell them not to be" Akaashi started washing his body "I don't think that's how it works Bo" as he continued, Bokuto brought his knees to his chest and rested his head on them. He started crying again.

Akaashi sighed and reached out to him. He held Bokutos chin and lifted it so he was eye level. "What's wrong honey?" Akaashi slid over next to Bokuto. They didn't hide their relationship but they also didn't tell anyone. Akaashi wasn't really into public affection so that's mostly why no one has found out by now. He hugged Bo really tight "How about we go back now and we can talk okay?" Bokuto nodded and Akaashi got out to dry off. Once he was dry and Bokuto was calm, he got out and dried off too. They went to their teams room and got changed.

Bokuto just sat down on his bed playing with his hands. Akaashi went over to Bokutos bag and picked it his soft pajamas pants, underwear, and loose night shirt. When he brought them over he put the loose shirt on Bokuto, and turned around while Bokuto put in the rest of his clothes. He was really shy and still wasn't that comfortable yet, that was okay with Akaashi. When they were both dressed Akaashi sat and held Bokuto close rocking them both back and forth. A few minutes passed and Bokuto looked up at Akaashi and whined pointing to his bag.

Akaashi went over, opened the bag, and looked around when he found Bokutos stuffed animal. He brought it over to him and Bokuto squealed pushing his face into it. He rolled over to lay on his bed and then he got under the covers. "Were you just not feeling like a big boy today?" Bo nodded " I know it's hard to deal with complicated big emotions when you aren't big enough to handle them, but you did so well today. You helped Hinata win and you did a great job playing even if you didn't win. I love you so much baby." Bokuto cuddled into Akaashi closer and relaxed as Akaashi rubbed his back. "I'm so sorry for saying this mean things too...I was just upset we lost too and I wasn't thinking about how my words could affect you..." " is okay daddy, wuv you" they slept through the night together

The team came back to their room a few hours later, at the time they were actually scheduled to go to bed, and saw Bo and Akaashi cuddled up together. They called other people over until every team was in the door frame looking at them. They all gushed and took a bunch of photos. Akaashi has woken up when they first came in because they were so loud but he stayed quite with his eyes closed, he didn't care about PDA this time, as long as he got one of those pictures for his Lock Screen. That was more than enough of a win for today...

Word count: 840

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