🖤Pretty Baby❤️

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     Kenma has never been the most masculine 'guy' but they were okay with that. They didn't want to be a guy, they knew in their heart that they weren't. But at the same time they didn't want to be just a girl. They wanted to change from time to time. They wanted to use gender neutral pronouns, they wanted to look masculine today and feminine tomorrow without getting criticized. They wanted to be themself but...they were just to scared.

    "Kenma!" Kenma finally looked up from their PSP and saw Kuroo waiting for them. "Good morning Kuroo" "Morning hun, you okay?" Kenma nodded and looked back down at their screen "Are you feeling like my little prince today?" Kenma cringed at that name...prince, they weren't a prince...today they wanted to be a princess! "No I'm okay just tired.." "okay! Well listen I'm gonna-" Kuroo continued talking but Kenna couldn't listen. They were still hung up on the title of Prince. So when the bus came and they both got on, Kenma put their headphones on and Kuroo took the hint and left them alone for the ride.

     It was afternoon practice and Kenma was going to change....was.... but they didn't want to, they felt too masculine. The outfit looked too much like a boy, why couldn't they wear the girl volleyball uniform. They would've felt more comfortable. Instead they changed back into their normal clothes and sat on the bench. Coach didn't like this very much..."Kenma, what are you doing? Get changed!" They sighed "I'm not feeling well" "Kenma you feel fine, you just don't want to work, stop being lazy now get up" Kuroo walks over "What's going on?" Coach looked at Kuroo "He's being stubborn. He's being lazy again and he doesn't want to play today." Kuroo looked at Kenma "Well he did say he wasn't feeling good this morning, i dont think it's a lie coach." Coach was starting to get angry "He's fine, if he went to school he can play now get him on the court!" Kuroo looked at Kenma then Coach. "No he said he's not feeling good!" "I don't care how he feels he-" Kenma finally interrupted by shouting "STOP IT! NOT HE! NOT BOY! NOT PRINCE! STOP STOP STOP!" They both turned their heads to look at Kenma. "M gone home..." and with that they grabbed their stuff and walked out of the gym with everyone staring at them. As they walked home in silence, their thoughts wondered. They wanted to look pretty today, like a girl but they didn't feel like a girl exactly. Ugh....

     When they entered the house they put their stuff down and flipped onto the bed upside down. Looking around their room they got an idea. Kenma ran to their moms room and shuffled through the drawers. They found an old dress that she didn't wear anymore, some makeup, and some hair clips. They ran back to their room and shut the door. They put on the dress and looked in the mirror....this was it, this felt comfortable, they felt comfortable. This is who they wanted to be. While admiring themself in the mirror they heard the front door close. Who could it be? Mom? Dad? God I hope not, that would be terrible to explain. As if answering their thoughts Kuroo walked through their bedroom door. "Hey Kenma I'm sorry about things earlier, just-" when Kuroo looked at Kenma he paused. Kenma fell to their knees and started crying hard. "Oh baby" Kuroo ran up to them and held them in his arms.

    It took about 30 minutes but he finally calmed Kenma down. "Can you tell me what you're thinking baby?" Kenma hid their face in Kuroo's chest "I not a baby boy, or pwince..." Kuroo was confused but listened "So what are you?" Kenma thought for a moment "Just baby.... sometime feew wike giwl, sometime feew wike boy, sometime feew wike just pewson!" Kuroo was starting to understand "Okay that's okay, I think this is a talk for big Kenma and i to have okay?" Kenma nodded and sank deeper in his arms. "So for now I'm just gonna use all nicknames is that okay princess?" Kenma blushed and nodded. "Okay, now come here I want to see my pretty baby!" Kenma stood up and spun around showing off the dress to Kuroo. "Wow so beautiful baby! Now come over here and sit down." He pointed to Kenmas desk. As Kenma sat down Kuroo looked through the makeup and hair stuff. He picked out red lipstick, blue eyeshadow, pink blush, and some mascara. After it was all on it was topped of with some random hair clips and a bow to hold Kenmas hair back. "And done!" Kenma looked in the mirror and started crying "oh no what's wrong!" Kenma looked at Kuroo and gave him a big hug "wove it....and wove you dada" Kuroo relaxed and gave into the hug "I love you too baby, no matter who you are"

    In hindsight the flower covered yellow dress, red lipstick, blue eyeshadow, and monstrosity of hair clips, didn't necessarily go together well but that was a problem for tomorrow. For today, his baby was happy and that's all he cared about.

Word count:886

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