💜My love❤️

912 15 1

I'm sorry I want to give you guys more but freshman year has been crazy so far! I'll try to write more buuuuuuuuttttt yeah!

     It was a long day of practice, the two volleyball players finally got to go home. It was a Thursday but Friday was a holiday so they had it off. Tendou clung to Ushijima all the way to his (tendous) house. He spent the time talking while Ushijima nodded and chimed in with simple answers here and there. He could tell something was wrong with Tendou, though he had been talking and acting normal, he was fidgeting a lot more. He took mental note of the little things like how often Tendou popped his knuckles, itched his arm, messed with his hair, shook his leg, or even touched his face. These were all things Tendou did when he was anxious that Ushi caught on too over the years.

     When they reached the house they set their stuff down and went to the kitchen. "I'll make something tonight." Ushi stated plainly. Tendou looked a bit shocked "No no, you're the guest. I will not allow it!" Ushi just stared at him for a second "Go take a shower, you reek." Tendou scoffs giving up but walks away mumbling "says you..." Ushijima slightly smiles at the gesture. He would figure out what's wrong, no matter what it took. He started by heating up some fried rice and then he made them into omelettes, this sounds like a breakfast food but it's actually a very popular dinner dish and it was very easy to make.

    Once Tendou got out of the shower he sat down at the table and relaxed as Ushi finished up. The food was soon set down and they both said "thank you for the food" Tendou gobbled it down while Ushijima took his time a little longer. Tendou insisted on at least doing the dishes, so he did while Ushi took a shower. Ushijima got out of the shower and changed when he noticed that Tendou didn't put on pajamas really, just a pair of shorts and a shirt. He knew Tendou was probably trying not to slip but he didn't like it when Tendou held back. Ushijima got changed and then grabbed the softest pajamas for Tendou. He walked into the living room and threw the clothes at him. "Put these on...please" Tendou was hesitant but went back to his room and changed.

     He came out practically snuggling into himself and sat down on the opposite side of the couch as Ushi. Ushijima then scooted over and wrapped his arms around Tendou pulling him back. Tendou squealed a bit then looked up at Ushi. He gave Tendou a kiss on the forehead and smell his clean hair. "You no longer reek. That's good" Tendou giggled and turned his body around snuggling closer to Ushi. There were no words exchanged but they both knew Tendou was regressed. Ushijima put on a nice little movie "Mulan" it was Tendou favorite. Once Tendou was comfy, Ushijima got up to grab a blanket, paci, and some juice in a sippy cup.

     They sat all bundled up throughout the movie while Tendou drank his juice. Ushijima thought he works fall asleep after today's practice but boy was he wrong. Because of the fact that Tendou hasn't slipped recently, his little mind was going everywhere, along with his body. Ushijima tried to calm him down, to no avail. He just watched at the very energetic baby Tendou ran around the house playing spaceship. "Pew! Pew! Pew! I shoot da awiens and dey die!" Ushijima have a soft concerned smile as his baby went on with the story being more and more gruesome. "How about we settle down now, okay baby?" Tendou whined a bit but walked back over to the couch with his stuffy. Snuggling into Ushijima over again but now a lot more tired than before they listened to some soft music and watched as the room was lit with only dim lights.

Tendou thought *was I always this tired?* and though he knew the answer in his head, he refused to believe it as he drifted off to sleep. Ushijima waited for Tendou to fall asleep in his arms before he started talking about his day. "This week was a little tough, though it was a short week in a literally sense, the week seemed to drag on. I guess I should remind you just how much I love you but I also feel no need to. I know you already understand so why say words when I can show you through actions. Everyone thinks I'm scary, especially little kids so why? Why have you always been so comfortable? Why do you trust me? Why did you talk to me that day on the court? Why didn't you ignore me? Life would've went on as it always has..... but now, I have feelings I didn't know I could feel. I have a person that I didn't know I could love so much. You taught me that I don't need to talk to people anyways. You talk to me and its like you can read my mind. You know how I'm feeling, what I'm thinking, you just have always known me. You made it so easy for me to fall for you, but so hard to continue my day to day life. I'm not mad, I could never be, I'm just confused. How did you do it?"

Word Count: 922

✨Haikyuu✨Little Space/Age Regression✨OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now