💙Rain Rain Go Away🤍

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Hey guess I'm so so sorry but, it's really been hard finding time to write. I cant promise anything but I'm going to try to get one or two more in soon. Thank you for all the love and support <33
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It was just a gloomy Friday afternoon; Oikawa had just got done with his crackers for lunch. He stayed home, along with Iwaizumi, because he hadn't been feeling good that week. He was taking his medicine and relaxing but they didn't see any change in Oikawa's physical state. He was just a sick little boy and they had to wait it out. Iwa was laying in bed with Oikawa cuddle up on top of him while they were watching tv. Nothing too interesting, they just put on what they could find, and because of this Oikawa got a little bored.

     He didn't want to be in this stupid bed anymore taking this stupid medicine that wasn't even working. He was done with it and so he got up off the bed with Iwaizumi slowly watching. He stood up straight with his hand on his hip and said "okay dada! I not sick no more" as he awaited an answer Iwaizumi couldn't help but laugh. "Baby...no" Oikawa quickly put his hands and feet together with a light blush on his face. He didn't like being wrong so he was always embarrassed if he did "oh.....but why does I have-a be sick" The caregiver picked his regressor up and set him back in bed, snuggling next to him. "Baby your body is sick and I don't think you can just quit being sick. That's not really how it works?" Oikawa let out a defeated sigh and sat back to continue the movie. They both settled down for an afternoon nap when something soon awoke little Kawa.

     *Boom* "what dat" *Boom* "ah- dada?" *Boom* "Dada pease pease wake up! Up!" Oikawa then starts bursting into tears and hiding under the covers. He is pulling the blankets up and piling the pillows around his head. He hates thunder and lightning. Iwaizumi is trying to get to his little and calm him down but Oikawa is just too scared. Iwaizumi gets up and grabs the headphones out of their closet. He connects his phone as fast as possible and starts playing music. Once he gets his opening where Oikawa's grip loosens off the pillows, he pushes them off and puts the headphones on him. The little is still crying but he was quieting down at the sight of his caregiver. He slipped even further so his previous age being 3 or 4, was now no older than 2.

     As he looked at his caregiver hovering over him still, Oikawa reached his hands in the air. Iwaizumi scooped him into his lap and wiped away his baby's tears. He rocked the younger to sleep once again and watched as he slept peacefully again. It wasn't too long later, only being about 2:30, that little Kawa woke up again. "Loud...." Iwa brushed hair out of his face "yeah it was really loud and scary wasn't it baby. I'm sorry you woke up like that. I'm here though and I will always protect you." Oikawa then turned into his caregiver and snuggled him "kawa wuvs you" Iwaizumi let out a light chuckle "Dada loves you too baby"

Iwa wanted to get Oikawa up and moving at least a little bit seeing how much the little one wanted to leave his bed. They got up and decided to take a nice bath. Oikawa got to pick out the color tablet to put in the bath with ended up being blue, and the bubbles he wanted which were cherry scented. Once the bath was filled up Oikawa practically jumped in. Iwaizumi got all of Kawa's rubber ducks from his bathroom drawer and threw them in the bath one by one. Both big and small Oikawa loved collecting rubber ducks. Whenever they go into a store and they see one that Oikawa doesn't yet have, consider it bought already. The bath lasted longer than usual due to them loosing track of time. Once Oikawa was dry he put on his comfiest pj's. It was blue plaid pants with a matching blue and grey long sleeve.

     With everything settled and dinner time rolling around, Iwaizumi put on Oikawa's favorite movie, Tangled. Oikawa sat in Iwaizumi's lap as he got fed homemade chicken soup. It has chicken, vegetables, and broth, but no noodles because he didn't want to upset the littles stomach even more. Due to Kawa being smaller, sick, and tired, he didn't fight eating his veggies. As the last steamed carrot got swallowed, Oikawa was practically knocked out. They didn't do much today but they have been busy most of the week so it took a toll on the little one. After putting Oikawa to bed, Iwa cleaned up the house a bit and joined his loved one for a good nights sleep.

Word count: 846

✨Haikyuu✨Little Space/Age Regression✨OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now