💛My Little Boy🖤

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Miya Atsumu was a sweet regressor who just needed some love. He wanted to tell his boyfriend but was scared of how he'd react, so he kept it a secret and tried to deal with it. Currently his brother, Osumu, has his boyfriend, Suna, over. Osumu also regressed but Suna knew about his regression and was his caregiver. Whenever Tsumu was little, Suna offered to help take care of him but he always felt bad and didn't want to burden Suna, or take away Osumu's Caregiver. So instead he politely brushed him off. He was never rude about it, he would ask Suna to do simple things like make him lunch and help him eat, or help him get a drink but Atsu refused to let Suna watch over him or play with him.

Here we are now, regressed Atsumu playing alone in his room. He usually didn't have a problem but today just really got to him, he didn't get to see his boyfriend much because of where they lived so he missed Sakusa. He decided to just lay down and watch some tv for the rest of the day. As he was trying to put on Octonauts (key word trying) Suna came in the room. "Ok little dude, Buba and I are going to go to the park and get ice cream, are you sure you don't want to come??" He thought for a as minute, of course he wanted to come! He could play with his brother at the park and get ice cream! It's a dream come true.... But he soon declined the offer.... "No tank you, umm can yous hewp pease?" He handed Suna the remote and he turned on Octonauts for Atsu. "There you go buddy, anything else?" "Nu- uh" They said their goodbyes and Atsu was alone once again...

Not too long later the tv popped up with an icon. He was so deep in head Space he couldn't read it, and even if he could, he didn't know what buttons to press! Ok ok, as he calmed himself down he remembered what Suna said a few weeks ago. "My contact is in your emergency phone so just open your phone, click the green button, and look for my name or if you can't read, the ___ heart" oh no! He couldn't remember what color heart it was that he said. None the less he opened his phone, tapped the green button, and looked at the names. There was a green heart, a blue heart, and a red heart. He took a random guess and pressed the red heart.

"Hello?" "Hewo! Nana! I nees hewp! A button jus pop up on tv and now won let me wach Octonauts! It big gray box but I can't wead! What do I pwease!" Sakusa was shocked, why was Atsumu calling randomly, and why was he talking like this, who was Nana? So many questions and now answers. The one thing he did know what that his boyfriend was watching Octonauts for some reason, he can't read, and he needs to get over there now to figure out what's happening. "Wow wow wow slow down, what?" Atsumu finally realized "uh-oh" "what? What did you do???" Atsumu was on the verge of tears "ummm eveyting okay! Is fine i okay!" "What? Atsu I'm coming over now." "No! Omi is okay! I okay! I has to go now, bye-bye!" "WAIT ATSU NO DONT-" he was cut off by three beeps. *ugh Miya Atsumu please be okay*

Atsu was crying so hard right now, he was embarrassed and scared. What did his boyfriend think now! He's gonna break up with me. I'm so stupid! He ended up crying himself to sleep for, who now his long. By the time he woke up he heard voices in the living room. He heard Suna's voice and bolted out the room. "Nana! I messed up reaw bad! I so stupid. I stupid an I hawe mysewf!" Once he turned the corner he saw Suna, Osumu, and Sakusa.
Oh no....Sakusa...seeing him was the last straw. He ran up to Suna and cried in his arms. "Hey buddy it's okay, shhh it's okay, I explained everything. He knows and it's okay. I promise you're safe. You can't say things like that, you aren't stupid, you are a sweet little boy! Even sweeter than Osumu" "Hey!" Osumu yelled from beside him "You know I'm right you gremlin, but I still love you so much baby boy" Osumu nodded, he could disagree honestly, Atsumu may be the lord obnoxious one when they're big, but when they're regressed it's like they switch places.

Sakusa walks up to Atsumu and rubs his back "Hey baby, I still love you so much. I want to help you, and if this helps you, I'm on board. I want you to be happy, I would do anything to make my little boy happy." Atsumu turned "You little boy?" Sakusa nodded and opened his arms. Atsumu latched onto him and started crying even harder. "Atsu honey? Could I be your caregiver?" Atsumu struggled in between sobs to get out a yes and nod. Sakusa gave him a small peck on the cheek and chopped away his tears, Before instantly regretting it. "Can we please get your cleaned up? I love you but you are gross..." he picked Atsumu up and carried him to the bathroom where they cleaned up together. "Now, let's go have dinner, okay?" "Otay daddy!"

Word Count: 922
I'm planning on making a part two to this because it's just so cute🥰

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