💛My Little Boy🖤Pt. 2

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Dinner was finished up and everyone was winding down. Suna did the dishes and left Sakusa and Atsumu to themselves so they could figure things out.

"Hey baby, I think we have had a long day, how about we go to bed? We can talk big kid stuff tomorrow okay?" Atsumu just nodded, already yawning and getting ready to lay down. Once he got comfy in Sakusas lap, his eyes stayed to flutter shut. Sakusa put on some music and hummed along while rocking Atsumu back and forth along with himself. He loved Atsumu so much, he really did, and he would love little Atsumu even more if it was possible. He soon felt himself grow tired and shifted Atsumu to lay on his chest as he himself lay down.

     Atsumu woke up in the dark room, he looked  sheetsaround confused. Omi was still asleep and it was still dark outside so why was he up? He shifted a bit only then realizing why he had woken up, he had wet the bed! He had wet his pants, bedsheets, and even were he was laying on Omi. He started to cry and back away from the bed. He wasn't paying attention to how far away he was moving and he fell off the bed. Sakusa woke up from the crying "Tsumu?! Tsumu! Are you okay?!?!" Atsumu just cried harder.

Sakusa turned on the light and ran over to Atsumu.  "Oh baby shhh it's okay, Daddy's got you baby what's wrong? What happened?" Atsumu was very tiny now, younger than ever before so he just cried into Sakusas shirt not giving an answer. "Okay honey that's okay, shhh let's breathe for me. In 1, 2, 3, and out 1, 2, 3, good job" He went on until he had fully calmed down. Sakusa has noticed by now what has happened and has come up with a plan. "Hi Mr, that was one big tumble you took aye Tsumu? I'll tell you what, how about we get you in the bath and  thecleaned up. We can put you in soft pajamas after and get you some warm milk too!" Atsumu just nodded and cuddled into Sakusa as he got picked up off the floor.

     Once the bath was filled Sakusa but some color drops and bubbles in it to make Atsumu feel better. He set Tsumu in and quickly went back to the room to change and put the bedsheets in the washer. He watched as his baby splashed around and babbled to him about everything he saw in the bathroom. With short responses like "oh really?" And "mhm I see" he kept the little entertained. Once he saw Tsumu start to yawn and watched as his eyes drop, he realized it was time to go back to bed. He dried the little off and sent him to the bedroom while he got warm milk and the sheets out of the dryer.

Once he came back he saw Atsumu sitting on the edge of the bed watching his legs as he kicked them back and forth. He internally giggled at the sight "Ok handsome, do you want your fox pj's?" Atsumu nodded, Sakusa was told from Suna that his favorite pj's were the matching fox shirt and shorts set. After Sakusa changed Atsumu, he repositioned them on the bed again and fed Atsumu his bottle. The regressor was back to sleep in no time and they did sleep in later the next morning...

Word Count: 584
Sorry it's kinda short 😓

✨Haikyuu✨Little Space/Age Regression✨OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now