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Madison's POV.

Niall left the kitchen in a blink, acting all weird and not looking at me at all. I guess he remembered the conversation we had and he was feeling ashamed or something, who knows.

"Did we miss something?" Harry asked looking at me as soon as Niall left the room.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, trying to act as if I didn't have a clue of what he was talking about.

"Maddie, we know Niall, he acted strange as hell and none of us are the reason why," Zayn said while I took a bite of one of the cookies while I stared at them.

"And he was kind of avoiding you, so spit it out, Jones." Louis jumped on the conversation, making me sigh as I felt the four of them studying me as they waited for an answer.

"He came back yesterday pretty drunk and he showed up in my room," I started explaining, keeping my voice down as I didn't want Niall to hear me telling this to the boys. "And he told me things I think he either hasn't told anyone or he hasn't said them for a long time, out loud at least, so probably he remembered everything and is just trying to act as it didn't happen or something, I don't really know."

"What kind of things?" Liam asked right after I finished talking, with his brows a little furrowed.

"Nothing about your little gang or your business, no need to worry about that," I told him. "I don't know, he just showed me a side of him that I knew existed but that I never thought I would actually get to know, he opened up and spoke about his feelings."

"Well congratulations Maddie, you met the real Niall." Louis said, and I smiled a bit while staring to the counter, where my hands were resting.

"That's a great thing, Maddie," Zayn spoke up, making me look up to him so he knew I was listening. "You have achieved that in no time, not even a month, we haven't seen that part of him in a long time."

"He also mentioned something about losing someone, a girl."

As soon as I said those words the room went completely silent, and the boys started glancing at each other, probably trying to think what they were going to tell me. 

"Did he, um, mention her name or something else?" Liam said, his face looking like he had just seen a ghost, like the other three.

"He just told me something about his fear of caring about people, because the last time he did he lost her, and right after saying that it was like he was his normal self again, he left my room a few seconds after," I explained, and they just nodded while staring at me. "You aren't going to tell me what happened with that girl, are you?"

"We don't talk about that, Maddie, I'm sorry." Louis said, and I smiled at him.

"No need to worry, is not of my business anyway."

"Well, do y'all want to watch a movie?" Harry said, making all the tension in the room start to fade as we all discussed which movie to see.

After ten minutes of the boys discussing which movie to watch, Harry's choice, which was The Conjuring, ended up winning, so the five of us, as Niall didn't appear or try to join us, sat on the couches to watch it with all the blinds closed, and I ended up crying of laughter when I saw how easy the four of them got scared.

But to be honest, I didn't pay all my attention to the movie, as part of my mind was thinking about Niall, looking every few minutes to the stairs to see if he finally appeared, but he didn't, as I just said before.

Once the movie finished Liam got up to open the blinds, making the rest of us sigh as we got used to being in the dark.

"So, I'm not sleeping alone tonight, just so you guys now," Harry said while he looked at the other three, making me chuckle.

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