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Madison's POV.

I woke up groaning because of the horrible headache I had; it felt as if I had drunk a whole bottle of tequila the night before, but unfortunately, I knew it was because of the mix of drugs my dear ex put on my milkshake yesterday. What a taste in men I have, right?

After spending a few minutes insulting Jason over and over again on my head, I opened my eyes, adjusting them to the dim light that escaped from the curtains, rolling on the bed so I could reach my phone that was placed on my nightstand to look at the time, gasping when I saw it was four p.m., which meant that I had been sleeping for almost twelve hours.

I spent a few minutes scrolling through my phone, checking my socials, and texting back Aria and my mother. I hated the fact that I had to lie to Aria all the time, telling her that I was home with my mom when in reality I was living a freaking movie, but it was for her own safety, I'm sure I will be able to tell her everything one day. At least one person who was important to me, my mom, knew the truth and was also protected as well as my brother. I don't know how I would react if something bad happened to either of them.

Once I was done with my phone I put it on the bed, getting up, and heading straight to the bathroom so I could take a shower and all of that, to try and feel like I was doing at least one thing I did when I had a normal life.

When I finished showering and getting ready for the day I opened the closet, taking out a pair of black shorts and an oversized hoodie, as the weather today was warmer than it had been from the past three weeks. After putting on my new clothes and throwing the dirty ones into the laundry basket I walked to the window, opening the curtains and looking at the garden, where I saw Niall, who was working out.

After a few minutes of just staring at him as he did push-ups, I shook my head, coming back to reality as I got pretty lost just analyzing and observing him, hearing my stomach growl, which reminded me that I hadn't eaten anything since the pizzas we had for dinner before the milkshake situation, so I took my phone from the bed, making it in a blink so my room would look organized, and left the room, heading downstairs and straight to the kitchen.

"Well good afternoon, sleeping beauty," Louis said as soon as I walked into the room, where he was sitting down on one of the stools, drinking tea. "Did you rest?"

"Yeah, but my head hurts so bad it woke me up," I sighed, sitting on the stool next to him.

"I was expecting that," He said, getting up from the stool and walking to one of the drawers that were in front of us, opening it and taking a box of pills from it. "I got you these pills yesterday, they are magic, you'll be feeling great in no time."

"Thank you, Louis." I said, smiling at him and taking the box from his hand.

"But you have to eat something first," He said, and I nodded, getting up and taking an apple from the fruit bowl that was on the other side of the counter. "That will do."

Before walking back to the stool, I decided to take also a glass of orange juice, taking the bottle out of the refrigerator and picking up a glass.

"You want some?" I asked him.

"No, thanks, I'm good with my tea," He told me.

"I do want some," Harry said, appearing in the room with his eyes almost closed still, making Louis and I chuckle.

"Someone slept more than you, Maddie," Louis said. "And you don't have the excuse of feeling sick, Styles."

"Louis do you really want to get on my nerves now?" Harry said, walking to me and grabbing the glass I had served for him, smiling at me. "Thanks, Maddie."

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