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Madison's POV.

I shook my head and tried to give Louis the best smile I could at the moment, to what he smiled back while he got up, putting the ice cream and the spoons on the table and sitting down next to me.

"It tastes a lot better when it melts anyway," He said.

I smiled at him again and went back to staring at the wall. I would love to eat that ice cream right now with Louis, but my heart was racing and I knew that if I had even just a spoon, I would be vomiting it in a second.

A few minutes later Liam, Harry and Zayn stepped into the room with us, sitting down on the couches and staying silent, as if they didn't know what to say or how to break the silence.

"How did everything go?" I asked turning my look to them.

"Good, everything went as it should." Liam said, looking at me.

"Do you guys want to watch something?" Harry asked, and we all nodded in response.

The room was filled with tension, it felt like I was inside a bubble and the boys were afraid to move in case they made me break, and I honestly felt grateful they were acting that way. 

I needed space, and they knew it.

After a few minutes, I heard sounds coming from the TV, making me snap out of my thoughts and turning my look at it, smiling a little when I saw which movie Harry had decided to play: Shrek. And I wasn't complaining, it was one of the greatest movies, period.

The five of us watched the movie in silence, laughing from time to time and hearing Harry make jokes and funny comments about whatever was happening. Once the movie ended, Harry insisted that we had to watch the second movie now, that it was completely necessary, and the rest of us agreed.

When the second movie had barely started the creaking sound of the hallway floor made me freeze, as I knew that the only one that could be walking there was Niall. I turned my head to look in that direction and I swear I almost stopped breathing when my eyes met his. He glanced at me and I glanced at him, neither of us moving our straight faces, and after a second he took his glance off me, continuing his way, the sound of the door opening and closing letting me know he was gone.

I took a deep breath and looked back at the TV, noticing that Louis was staring at me. He got up and left the room for a few minutes, coming back with two of my anxiety pills and a glass of water, smiling at me as he gave everything to me.

"Thank you," I mumbled to him as he sat down next to me again.

He smiled in return and looked back at the movie, and I took the pills while taking a deep breath. I just wanted to sleep so I could stop feeling this bad and stop all the thinking going on in my head.

And thanks to the pills, twenty minutes after I took them, I started feeling sleepy, like my body was starting to relax a little, so I decided that it would be best for me to go to my room and try to rest.

"Guys I'm going to try to sleep a little, I need it," I said looking at them, and they all turned their looks to me.

Liam and Zayn smiled at me and nodded, while Louis and Harry glanced at each other like they were talking with their eyes or something.

"Hey Maddie," Harry said as I started walking to the stairs, making me stop my walk and look at him. "Do you mind sleeping in my room today?" I stared at him furrowing my brows. "It's for your safety, trust me."

I sighed and nodded, I was too tired to even try and argue with him. He smiled and got up from the couch, walking towards me, and we both went upstairs in silence, the only thing breaking it being the hisses I made from the pain I felt and Harry's heavy breathing every time I made them. Once we got to the top floor, we both walked to his room, which was at the end of the hallway.

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