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Niall's POV.

I woke up groaning, as the light from the opened window hit me across the face, but as I remembered what happened last night, that didn't matter anymore. I opened my eyes, adjusting them to the light, and smiled as I looked down to my chest, where Madison's head was resting. She was sleeping peacefully, and that made me happy. I was happy, which was something I wasn't used to being nowadays. But of course, my phone had to start ringing in the other room.

I sighed and got up carefully, placing Maddison onto the bed and making sure she was still sleeping to then pick the phone up.

"Well, it's about time!" Louis said. "We were worried."

"Of course you were," I said, closing the door to the bedroom. "What's up?"

"Nothing much, we just wanted to check in, you know, you are kind of in danger if you recall, no big deal," He said, and I rolled my eyes.

"Everything is good here, you know that if you don't hear from me all is good, besides, I know Robert's men are in the hotel as well, probably acting as if they are just normal guests, that is."

"Smartass," He said. "Well, we are waiting for them to tell us where to go next, so just hang tight, as soon as we know, we'll call you."

"Yeah, okay," I said.

"How is she? You two getting along?" He asked.

"Yeah, yes, she's, um, she's... great," I mumbled.

"You are mumbling, what happened?" He asked, and I groaned. "You two talked, didn't you?"

"Yeah, we did."

"Man you are a guy of few words, I guess I'll have to wait to know the details," He sighed, and let out a light laugh.

"Yes, you are going to have to wait, but everything is good, trust me, we are good, Louis."

"Well, I'm glad to hear it; tell her hi from me."

"I will, stay safe."

"Who was that?" Maddison said from behind me with a soft tone.

I put the phone on the table and turned around to look at her, and God, she looked beautiful. She was leaning into the bedroom's door, with her long blonde hair a little messy from sleep, her green puffy eyes looking at me.

"Louis, he was just checking on us," I said, "He says hi."

"Are they okay?" She asked, walking towards me.

"Yeah, they... they are," I mumbled as soon as I had her in front of me. The power she had over me was... something I had never experienced before. Just having her near, looking at her, made me weak, nervous even.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Nothing, you are just... just breathtaking," I said, pulling her by the waist into my chest, hugging her. It still felt unreal to be this close to her and not feel that fear consume me whole. The fear was still there, but it was... quieter now.

"I could say the same about you," She said, her words crashing against my chest as she put her arms around my waist, holding me. "You hungry?" She spoke.

"Yeah, we should order breakfast," I said, leaning my head on top of hers, not letting go of her.

"Well, you have to let me go to do so," she chuckled, and I smiled as I took a step back with my hands still on her hips, kissing the top of her head, making her smile. "I like it when you do that."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2024 ⏰

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