Maybe Three Can't Make A Family After All

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Crystal bashed the door open. She was breathing hard.

LR saw her on the door and smiled. Her sister would always love her.

No matter what. LR went over to her sister with cold water in her hand and hugged her after swallowing the water in two gulps. They embraced each other for what seemed for eternity. Their mother and the three other teenagers were just sitting on the couch, minding their business.

Crystal calmly removed herself from her sisters embrace and turned to her mother. "I apologize." Crystal said regretfully. Not only had she disrespected her mother, but Crystal disrespected her as an individual.

Then she turned to Timothy, "I apologize, my sister likes you, and I couldn't handle it." Timothy stared at the ground, and LR looked at her with her eyes wide open.

After a while, Timothy looked up to LR and grinned, and she smiled back.

He knew that the reason she rejected him was not that she didn't like him, but because her family was more important to her. And he understood. He hoped that one day she would consider him family too; after all, he would have done anything for his parents to be alive. And lastly, she turned to Jeremiah, "I am sorry."

"Why?" he asked.

"Just because."

He just smiled, unsure of how to react.

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