The Secret Letter

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Crystal turned her face to face Lucy Rose a.k.a LR, she examined her beautiful sister's face thinking to herself," How can someone be so beautiful yet so crude and insensitive to people who wanted to be her friends while everyone seemed so scared to talk to me since I am such a nerd?"

"Ridiculous!", she shouted out causing her sister to wake up from her sleep.

" What the heck?!" her sister yelled at her in annoyance.

Startled that she woke her sister up she turned around and apologized but as expected her sister wasn't going down without a fight.

Before Crystal realized it, a pillow violently hit her face.

In exasperation, she slapped her sister. The battle went on for ages - up until their mother came into the room with a distressed expression.

"What is wrong with you people?" she asked annoyingly.

She huffed and puffed as she turned around after telling her girls to dress up for school.

"What is her problem?"LR said while rolling her eyes.

Crystal ignored her, visibly annoyed by the fight she just had with her sister. She hated quarrels and fights since she never really got to socialize with people. LR sighed when she realized Crystal hadn't responded to her remark with one of her extremely polite answers.

Soon both of them had worn their clothes and sorted out their frizzy hair to look like a nourished afro.

Both of them raced down to the living room to say goodbye to their mum when Crystal ascertained a letter on the floor saying in bold letters " For Crystal and Lucy Rose two gorgeous daughters." Crystal frowned in skepticism since their mother would never write them a letter or show them some sign of affection.

Curiously, she took the letter and gently opened it, fearful of what she might find out. And she

was right to be because the letter said, " Dear Lucy Rose and Crystal,

The person you might know as your mother might have given you this letter as I instructed her.

My name is Sapphire Smith, I am your mother. I want you to search for me when the time is right. I'll explain then.

Crystal couldn't recognize the letters after that.

She hurriedly ran up to LR to tell her what she just read.

"Lucy!, Lucy!", she said urgently in a hushed tone.

"What?", said Lucy Rose, rolling her eyes.

Crystal hesitated for a while debating whether it was a great idea to tell her sister since she always seemed so grumpy and frightened of the truth.

"What is this?", demanded Lucy.

Appalled that her sister had snatched the letter out of her hand, she replied, "Well, well, read it !"

LR examined the letter at an impossible speed and slammed it into her sister's chest.

"Naive...", LR said as she opened the door to make her way to school.

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