A Different Type of Hunt

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LR stormed out of the room, and Crystal followed her. Crystal was also angry at her mother. Crystal stopped.

"As from now, I'll call you Sapphire until you earn the title, mother", Crystal spoke. Ms Smith smiled wearily and scratched her scalp that was covered by beautiful salutary locks.

Crystal ran up the stairs, covered with a soft carpet.

Crystal took in a deep breath when she was standing in front of their white wooden door. She knocked on the door. No reply. She hit no response again. "Didn't she run into this room?" a voice startled her. Nimbly, she turned around to find a concerned Timothy. "I'm not certain.", she said, somewhat annoyed that he was everywhere where LR was.

Crystal rolled her eyes. She wasn't the romantic type she knew LR was, even if she didn't want to admit it. Crystal smiled, all her teeth showing, slowly, it fades away. LR! She remembered what she came for.

Crystal just opened the door without knocking. Shocked, Crystal stared at her sister, who was now lying on the ground, gasping for breath. Her eyes were wide like a baby deer. Crystal didn't know what to do. Someone nearly knocked her to the side. Timothy. It's always him. Crystal let Timothy help her sister only because her sister was more significant than a boy she detested.

She watched Timothy try to calm her sister down.

"Lucy... hey Lucy...I know it might feel like you're losing your life, but I need you to hold on to my hand and breath in as deeply as you can.", Timothy whispered to LR like she was a young kid having an asthma attack. Lucy Rose did as Timothy told her. However, her eyes were still weak.

And breathing was still shallow. "Get LR an icepack .", Ms Smith said to Crystal. Crystal looked at her, confused. "Do you not realise that this is your fault?", Crystal said visibly disturbed while pointing at Timothy, trying to help LR. Guilt flickered through Ms Smith's face, but it went as soon as it came. "Get her ice.", she renewed, a little colder this time. Crystal stared at Ms Smith, who wasn't even moved by the situation in the slightest. She sighed and went to do as told.

Ms Smith knew that LR was having heart palpitations and knew that LR also had anxiety. Everything would be more problematic.

She knew she would hyperventilate and would not be able to control herself. She knew it could get dangerous but staying calm would help LR keep calm. People panicking would make her panic. It wasn't something easy to handle, but she would realise the situation isn't deadly with people quiet. LR briefly looked into her mother's eyes. At first, she was irritated that she wasn't helping her. Her heart was pounding, but then she saw her mother smile at her with her two thumbs up.

And at that moment, all her hate towards her left.

She was so filled with love and forgiveness, she breathed in deep breaths, and just like that, the pain subsided.

She stood up, slowly , and hugged Timothy and ran over to her mother and embraced her too. "I'm sorry.", she whispered.

Ms Smith was crying now, "You have nothing to be sorry for."

LR grinned. She had never in her life seen a woman cry out of admiration.

LR dried her tears away and looked into her mothers loving green eyes.

"But...I still want to see my dad.", Crystal said thoughtfully.

Her mother consented to know that this would either cause delight or absolute turmoil.

"And I want an explanation of why I had to live with that lady."

"She's your, auntie..." Ms Smith said while shaking her head; she avoided telling people that that cuckoo was her sibling, and she still adored her nevertheless.

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