Broken Bulb

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As days turned into weeks, Rachel was really pleased with her achievement.
Yuzuru was openly hanging out with her at the campus and all the envious girl's eyes were on her. She had to give it to him, he was really handsome, but she still wished he was a bit more masculine and taller.

Nevertheless, all the boys started to pay attention to her again. She missed that. Ever since Jason broke up with her so publicly, her reputation suffered. But now thanks to the famous figure skater by her side, she felt again like a prom queen. Oh, how she missed high school!

But even though it seemed to her fellow students that everything was going well between those two, Rachel still wasn't satisfied. She usually picked him up after practice, but he still didn't want to stay longer at the rink and maybe show her some skating tricks. They also always ended up just making out on the sofa, no matter how romantic the movie they just watched was. He just wouldn't take it any further.

And most of all, the only interesting conversations they had were only thanks to her never-ending funny stories or her hobbies, as she found his talking about figure skating extremely dull. No matter how many times he tried to explain to her the difference between Salchow and Loop, she still didn't get it. And it seemed to her that he was not able to talk about anything else, but his training, competitions, and jumps.
She tried to focus all her thoughts on how to finally get him to bed, as it would give them something more to do, and mostly, she was sure that as a professional athlete, he won't disappoint in that area. She at least wanted to have some fun with him before dumping him.


Yuzuru was waiting for Rachel outside of TCC and even though he wasn't in a rush to be on time, he still had to wait. But no matter the waiting, he was always happy to see her. His practices were finally going well again and he enjoyed the fact that instead of going home and just doing his homework alone in his room, he could hang out with somebody and have fun.
Even though to some it could feel monotonous, Yuzuru was enjoying having a daily routine.

She always picked him up, they went to her place, did a bit of schoolwork, and watched a movie or a TV show.

The only thing Yuzuru wasn't exactly comfortable with were her constant advances against him. He did like her and enjoyed spending time with her, but he simply didn't feel any deeper connection. She was attractive and all that, but there was something missing.
He could see they have nothing in common and that sometimes he must have been boring her with his talks about skating. But he couldn't help it. Skating was his number one priority that was always on his mind and he always enjoyed talking about it. He tried to limit his talking to the bare minimum but sometimes he got carried away and couldn't stop.
He knew he still needed to work on that around girls and vent only with Javi.
Yuzuru was hoping that as time goes on, he'll find something they can bond over and he would be then genuinely happy with her.
The other option was for him to break up with her but he didn't want to lose his little escapes from reality and the impending pressure of the upcoming Olympics.

A honk of a car horn brought him back from his thoughts, and he got on the passenger seat, greeting her with a quick kiss.


Once they got to her apartment, they were both quite surprised to see Anya sitting at the dining table, doing her schoolwork. Usually, Yuzuru saw her only when she was cooking herself some quick dinner, as the living room was joined with the kitchen, or just when she got home from her part-time job at the library. Otherwise, she was most of the time just in her room, completely ignoring their existence.
But now she was sitting there surrounded by books, a calculator, and writing notes into her notepad. She had long dark hair braided in a complex braid, hanging over her shoulder, and glasses with a thick, fashionable black frame. Her nose buried in the work in front of her and her eyes focused just on her writing, not even acknowledging they just got home.

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