Crime and Punishment

616 28 15

After his morning practice, Yuzuru went to the gym, then for one quick class at the Uni, and aferwards back to the rink. All three of his couches were there since he was doing his final run-throughs, a clear reminder the first competition of the season is right around the corner.
He did really good on the first one for his SP but after a short break, he was falling on most of his jumps, getting aggravated, as he knew he was having stamina issues with his FS. All three couches were giving him advice on what could be still improved and he was trying to follow their instructions, replaying their words in his head during each of the parts of the program.
As the training was progressing he was finally getting into the zone, when he noticed his phone lit up.
He doubted it would be from Anya, as she rarely ever texted him first and since he wasn't interested in talking to anyone else, he ignored it. He tried to regain his focus again as the quad salchow was now coming up, but he popped it and skated towards his phone with a weird feeling nudging him in his chest.

By the corner of his eye, he saw both Tracy and Brian annoyed that he suddenly interrupted the program but they let him check his phone.

-I need you.

He didn't reply but immediately sat down on the bench and began to quickly untie his skates with lightning speed just as Brian came over with a concerned look on his face.

-Did something happen, Yuzu?

-I don't know, Anya is asking me to come over.

-Oh...can't this wait? You still have an hour of practice left. It's right before NHK--

-She wouldn't text me if it wouldn't be important.

-Is she in trouble? What exactly did she message you?

-She just said that she needs me, that's all.

-Oh c'mon Yuzu, I really like that girl, I do, but you can't run to a girl anytime she texts you something like this. Put on your skates again and get back on the ice.

-Brian, you don't know her. I am leaving. See you tomorrow.

He said it as calmly as he could though his chest was tightening with anxiety and before Brian could get another word in, he quickly strode away, leaving his skates lying on the floor.


The door to Anya's flat was open and he went quickly through to her room, his eyes immediately falling on her, sitting on the floor, hugging her knees, her face hidden in her hands.
He kneeled down to her and began to gently stroke her hair.

-Anya, are you ok?

She didn't answer and merely shook her head.

-What happened?

She whispered something but he couldn't hear her and asked her to repeat it. She then answered again, this time more audibly.

-Look around.

Yuzuru turned his head and saw the state that her room was in. All the packed boxes were flipped over, various books everywhere with pages ripped out, shards of glass on the floor from her mirror. Even the pillows were ripped open and a wave of panic washed over him. The room was completely trashed as if a tornado went through it with his little Anya in the middle of it all.

-Oh my god....did Rachel do this?

She shook her head again instead of replying.

-Who did it?

He asked with a wavering voice but she wasn't answering and so he decided to just keep asking questions to at least get answers from her by nodding or shaking her head.

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