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Yuzuru was finally happy with all of his jumps and decided to start training the Quad Lutz.
Since it is currently the most difficult quad jump, both Brian and Yuzuru decided to take the training step by step, their main focus on Yuzuru's health.

His first attempts were miserable, but he knew with enough practice he will sooner or later get the hang of it. He just wanted to make sure he makes it before the Olympics. He was again in the part of the training where he was coming home covered in bruises and Brian not allowing him any extra time on the ice to make sure he won't strain his body too much.
And that was what Yuzuru hated the most. Everybody trying to take care of him and limiting his time on the ice. Just when he wanted to be there the most and conquer that jump.
What wasn't adding to it, was the fact that his mum was going to be away for several days and he would have to add taking care of the flat, food, etc. to his already busy schedule.

Rachel didn't care much about his frustration, she was more concerned about her upcoming exams but he still liked to chill at her flat for a while before going home. At least listening to her funny blabbering was keeping his mind off things.

He was lying on the sofa in the living room, watching a movie while she was still re-reading her notes from the last lecture.

Anya came out of her room, just nodding at both of them instead of a 'hello', and went to make herself a tea.
She reached for her box of camomille tea, just to notice that it's empty. She turned towards Rachel, annoyed.

-I told you if you keep drinking my tea, you should buy a new one.

Yuzuru darted out of the sofa and quickly bowed, apologizing that it was him drinking the tea.

-I am sorry, I didn't know it was yours!

-Oh, leave her be Yuzuru, she is just cranky because her loverboy is on the way and she is nervous.

Anya just sighed, rolled her eyes, and went back to her room again. Yuzuru sat back, feeling bad for drinking the tea, and made a mental note to buy a new box.

-I didn't know Anya has a boyfriend...

-Hahaha, she does not. But she thinks she will soon! - Rachel laughed with an ominous tone in her voice.

-What do you mean?

-One of the hottest guys in the school needed his math essay to be done. So he pretended to flirt with Anya and asked her to make the paper for him. He should stop by tonight to pick it up.

-That is not nice!

-Well she is not a nice person! She deserves it! And anyway, she has nothing better to do anyway, one extra paper won't kill her. That reminds me, I will go and take a shower now so that I don't miss it!! Do you wanna join me?


-Alright. But don't you dare to tell her anything!

Yuzuru nodded but was not planning on staying quiet. He knew those two were constantly at each other's hair, but this was going way too far.
He waited several minutes until he could hear that Rachel was already in the shower and was about to get up when somebody knocked on the door.

He went to open just to see a guy way taller than him and with that typical American smile, showing his perfect white teeth.

-Hey, I'm Mike, I am here for something from Anya?

Before Yuzuru could answer, Anya was out of her room with a thick stack of papers in her hand. Perfectly stapled together and even already with the plastic cover, ready to be handed to the professor.

-Hey Mike! - Anya said, slightly blushing and gazing at him with a dreamy look in her eyes.

-Oh hey babe! You are the best!!

And he gave her a quick peck on the cheek and took the essay from her.

-I am kind of in a rush, so I gotta run, but I will call you, yeah? - and he winked at her.

-Wait, please! The paper is done, but you should really go through it before you hand it over, that you know what's in it!

-Yeah, yeah, I will.

-I mean it! You should know the stuff in there... - And she softly smiled, hanging her head and looking nervous just by the sight of him in front of her.

-I trust you, babe, I am sure it's all correct.

-Nevertheless, you should still read it....

-Sure, I will. Gotta run! will call you!

And he just gave her another kiss on the cheek, turned around, winked at Yuzuru, and was gone.
Anya pulled down her sleeve and started to wipe her cheek with a slightly disgusted expression on her face and was on the way to her room when Yuzuru stopped and asked her to sit down on the sofa with him. He didn't know how to tell it to her, trying to be as gentle as possible in case she would have feelings for that guy.

-Anya....I am so sorry, but I think he was not honest. I think he was flirting with you just to get the paper. And not that you are not pretty, you are, I am sure there are plenty of other boys that would like you, but he is just not that kind of a guy.

Anya stared at Yuzuru with her mouth open and started to shake her head.

-Honestly Yuzu, Rachel does not deserve you. You are way too kind.

-What do you mean?

-I  have zero interest in that idiot. I know he was doing it just for the essay.

-So why did you write the paper for him anyway?

-I didn't. The stuff I just handed him is absolute nonsense. There are just pages of random numbers and calculations with walls of texts made mostly just out of smart-sounding words.

-Oh, I get it now, so you pranked him back?

-Yes, but if he is really that stupid and won't even bother opening it before giving it to the teacher he can say goodbye to UofT. I even left there a message for the professor in the middle of the nonsensical text. But hey, I did warn him now three times to actually read it.


-Cheaters shouldn't get away with it.

Yuzuru thought for a moment what Rachel told him about her ex-boyfriend cheating on her with Anya, wondering if she is the right one to talk about cheating, but for some reason, he was glad she wouldn't get hurt by that arrogant prick. Tall prick. Why was every guy here taller than him? He missed Japan and being considered the tall one.

-You really looked convincing though. I thought you really liked him.

-I guess those acting classes paid off.

-Eeh? You are the last person I would ever expect to take acting classes!

-Oh, that's a long story and it was a long time ago.

Anya got up and was on the way to her room, without turning back she just thanked him and closed the door.

-Thank you Yuzu and don't worry about the tea.

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