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-So what would you like to do?

-What do you mean?

-Or do you already have plans for this weekend?

-Yuzu, it's your weekend, do whatever you like. I'm going home. Is your mum already awake? I need to apologize.

-It's okay, I already explained it to her last night, don't worry. She doesn't speak much English anyway.

-Well then, I will be on my way. Thank you again for....yesterday.

-Can I at least treat you for a breakfast?

-Hmm...I would kill for some coffee.

-Coffee it is then! And pancakes....and maple syrup....and cream...and ice cream.

-I didn't know you have such a sweet tooth.

-I don't.

Anya didn't know what he meant by that but just went to get her jacket and put on shoes.
But the moment she saw herself in the mirror she gasped in horror.


-My hair!

-I thought Rachel was the vain one....and your hair looks absolutely perfect.

-My braid is all messed up! Can't you see the hair sticking out of it?

-It's just a few strands here and looks perfect to me.

-And yet it's not.

Anya went to sit down on the sofa and loosened her hair from the braid, going through it with her fingers until each strand was perfectly straight again. Yuzuru stood there amazed at how focused she was on what she was doing. She then wrapped her hairband around her wrist, straightened her back, and closed her eyes.
Her fingers started to move as if they had a life of their own. First making a smaller braid from her parting in the front, along her forehead, and going behind the ear. Perfectly neat yet firm.

-Hold this.


She waved with the small braid she just finished in the air and Yuzuru sat down next to her and held it up. She then did the same on the other side of her head, her eyes still closed.

-Hold this.

Yuzuru grabbed the other little braid and she now started to do the hair in the back, adding the two braids that he was holding and weaving them all together, creating a complex-looking braid.
Once finished, she tied the ends and moved the braid over her shoulder. She quickly went with her hands over the whole creation to make sure she doesn't feel any loose strands and got up.

-Now I'm ready. Let's go.

-Honestly, this just got on the list of the most fascinating things I've ever seen.


They were walking towards a nearby cafe, Anya starting to feel pain again in the ankle, but trying to stay brave and not let Yuzuru know to avoid more jokes from him. Or worse, him carrying her somewhere in broad daylight.
She was slightly concerned as Yuzuru wasn't initiating much talking but when she looked at him, he looked actually happy and comfortable with the silence. Just enjoying the sunny morning walk, when it wasn't too hot anymore as it was already autumn.

Once they sat down they each grabbed the menu and shortly after a waiter came to take their order. Yuzuru pointed at Anya, letting her order first.

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