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Yuzuru was dressing up, still trying to convince Anya to stay at home, but after seeing there is no point in arguing with her he gave up.

Anya was excited to finally get out but also worried about how it will go. Ever since the attack, she felt so safe in that bubble that Yuzuru and his mum created for her that it helped her push those memories out of her mind. But she knew that it was just a temporary fix. She took this trip as a way of testing the waters.

Yuzuru was on the phone for most of the bus ride and once they got off, he finally hung up with an exhausted sigh.

-Everything okay, Yuzu?

-Not really, no. My PR team wants to meet you.

-Me? Why?!

-I was hoping to avoid it, but I guess it was to be expected.

-Why though?

-Well after the blackmailing from Rachel they are just trying to be extra careful.

-Oh, I guess we can't blame them for that, it's their job after all.

-Yeah, especially since I never told them about Rachel, only after the photo leaked.

-So when is the meeting?

-Well....now. They are at TCC. After my training, we were supposed to discuss the upcoming interviews for when I am in Japan. They called my mum asking to let me know they want to meet you and she told them you are coming with me today, so they arrived earlier.


-Yeah.....They can be quite annoying sometimes, but they always got me out of trouble. Often without me even knowing something was going on not to distract me from a competition. So they are definitely good at what they do. I work with them for many years, they have my full trust.

-I am glad to hear that. What do you think they gonna ask me?

-I think they just want to make sure you are not a threat to my public image. So they will just ask you not to post anything on social media, etc.

-Alright, that should be fairly easy.

Yuzuru stopped in front of the door to TCC and turned to Anya.

-Are you okay with it Anya? I won't be able to be there, we have the ice booked with Brian and Javi only for two hours. I am sorry to be asking you to do this alone.

-Pffft, don't worry. So far it sounds to me just like passing an exam....and I am really good at that.

They both smiled but then Yuzuru continued again with a serious tone.

-Do you want to tell them about the attack?

-No. Absolutely not.

-I can try to postpone it to some other time, so I can be there with you.

-Yuzu!! Stop worrying all the time, pleaseee


And he imitated zipping his lips and gave her a kiss. Yuzuru then led Anya to one of the meeting rooms and introduced her to the team. Two ladies sharply dressed and a guy in a suit. Anya was wondering how uncomfortable it must be to be constantly dressing up like that, but then looking at her basic black hoodie, she got slightly self-concious. She was also surprised to see that one of the ladies was not Asian and assumed she is mostly for dealing with the foreign press.
Once Yuzuru saw they are all settled, he excused himself, gave Anya a quick wink, and went to the rink where Brian was already waiting for him.

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