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                                                           On the full moon day, Jack transformed into a Jac. She goes to the park to meet Ashley. She saw Edward coincidently. Edward also saw her.

"Hi, Jac. How're you?  After a long time, we were meeting," he said.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied.

"Coffee.." he winked.

"No, I have to go now," she said.

"Okay, I gotta say something," he said.

"Come on, hurry up," she said quickly.

"Well, I had a crush on you," he said.

"I know,......." and she look him," What did you say?" 

"I think I'm in love with you," he said with a low voice.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"Why?'re committed. I need a reason," he  commanded.

"There's no reason," she said.

"So, Would you like me?" he asked.

"Yeah! I do," she replied.

"I'm crazy on you," he exclaimed.

"I like you as..." Jac said, Instantly Edward snaffled her and kiss on her lips deeply.

Jac kicks him out, slapped and beat him black and blue. 

"How dare you ?" she said with anger.

Edward was passed out. Jac runs to fetch some water from the artificial foundation which was placed on their left  side. She sprinkles some water on his face.Edward woke up.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"hmm yeah," he said and yelled with pain," Aah.....Oh my face!".

"Hereafter , never do like this," she  ordered.

"But I love you," he said with pain.

"Excuse me," she threatened.

"I'm sorry," he apologised. 

Jac went to meet Ashley in the centre of the park. A lady with a blue t-shirt and pant, sunglass,small bags on her left shoulder and she searched for Jac. 

"Hi, Ashley. Nice to meet you," Jac greeted.

"Me too, Jacqueline," she said.

" What's up? " She asked.

"Well, I want to ask a question to you?" she said.

"Sure, You may proceed," Ashley said.

"Have you ever seen me in your elementary school?" she asked.

"No, I never seen you before we met on this park," Ashley replied.

"Okay, Thank you . See you later," she said.

"Bye,Jac" She said.

                                                 The next day, Jack went to Jessy's hospital. And he was so nervous to speak with her. So, he decided to leave the place. Suddenly, Announcer called him. He enters into the room.

"Hi, Doc. I'm Jack,"  He greeted.

"Hi,.. " she viewed the patient's record and said," Mr.Jackson,Nice to meet you".

"Doc,  I had a disorder which was never detected  or diagnosed. And this is my life secret," he said.

"You can share secrets and it will not exceed out of the door," she insisted.

"I believe you're trustworthy," he said.

"Definitely,"  she said.

"I have a disorder that changes me a girl on full moon and new moon day," he said.

"Are you kidding?" She chuckled.

"No, It's true," he sighed.

"Don't waste my time," she said.

"I'm Jackson and I transformed into girl after fourteen days," he said.

"I can't believe you," she commanded.

"Okay, You will come to my house on the fourteenth day starts from today. I will show you  exclusively," he said.

"Right O, remind me," she said.

"Bye, Jessy," he said.

"Bye," she replied. When he exits from the door. Jessy wondered,"How did he knew my name?".


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