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In the midst of all the wedding plans for his lover, Jack exhaled out his mouth wide and rubbed his forehead to wipe away the sweat. He couldn't resist anything. The wedding arrangements had not yet started, but his overthinking left him exhausted. Emily was caught off guard when she noticed his face and rushed to him. Looking at the perspiration on his face, she was worried about his work for her. When Emily reached him, he appeared to be feeling fine.

"Don't worry about your wedding, I will make it," he said.

"I love you, Jack," she said, her gaze clung to him for a long time, without blinking.

 "I know, Emily," he replied, turning to leave by looking at her throughout his journey.

As he stared at her, he begin to imagine that they were a happy couple now, with a house of their own; three children and their naughtiness showed the house like a scrawling pad; Everytime he returns or leaves his house, he is kissed on his lips by Emily and they pose for family pictures. Immediately, he sees a car's flask as the camera's flash and leaves his imagination.

"It's nice. God! please made it as possible," he said, looking up to the sky and kept his face as praying.

In the Herman's house, he darted out here and there by dialling to the Jack, because he was engrossed in his own world. After a several times, finally he pick up his call.

"Hello,Jack. Where are you?" he asked.

"Hi, I'm going to home. Is any thing important?" Jack asked him.

"Yeah! you need to come to my house immediately," he commanded.

"Why?" he asked again.

"Is very important to say to you," he said.

"Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes," he said and cut the call. Jack went to the herman's house. He saw a girl with blond hair stand behind him. She had blue eyes and was busy talking to someone. He went to John Herman's place.

"Don't be panicked by saying this," he said.

"Why should I be afraid of?" Jack said. Jessy came to Herman's house. A blue eyed blonde lady turned around him.

"I'm Mackenzie, I was your friend. As you know me as Mack. Am I right?" she said.

"Yeah! Mack. But..," he said, confused.

"You were Jackson Alex and Jacqueline, and I knew about you and your mysterious life. We were just particles in your imagination. We weren't real, but you were. It was just an illusion, Jack," Mack explained. But he was baffled.

"I'm in a dream or something else," he said. Slowly he sat on the bench in a state of confusion in a mind-blowing state.

Jessy said, "We shouldn't know about it either."

"Jessy, do you know about my dream too?" he asked.

"Not a dream, it must be real," she replied.


Mack said, "No way, we should find out as soon as possible."

"Yes, I was so confused about that. be soon," he said. ' be soon' Jack repeated for a while and he opened his eyes. He was at the hospital. However, the hospital was filled with strange things.

Mackenzie answered confidently, "Jackson Alex, everything was fine."

"What?" he asked.

She said, "Jacqueline has been completely left out of your body."

"What did you do to me?" he asked.

"It is like an operation called TEIFO. It will separate you from another personality. Don't worry about it. And the two incidents were merely your imagination. Don't freak out!" she said.

"Two incidents were my imagination. How long have I been here?" he asked.

"You were treated from the age of six, continued till you were sixteen, and finished in your twenties," she said.

"You wasted my teenage years, you moron," he yelled.

"You were living two teenage lives as a four-character person," she said.

"I found it to be incredibly confusing,"

"In the first twist you were in your imagination, in the second you lost your identity, and in the third you had..."

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