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In a silence made into violence at that moment,

"He done mistake and he will be the person to rectify it. Atlast , he was done," he said.

"I wanna say something, What about the full and new moon day transformsation. Are you find any clarification about this," she said.

"I have been cleared now," he said.

"I guess you're happy now," she said.

"I had been quite happy that I found the reason behind for my secret," he said.

"Okay," she said.

"But I felt be depressed about losing my body,"he said.

When he was expressed his feeling towards her and he said," I'm  deeply missing Jacqueline. I know about myself. Sometimes, I feel it was a dream but I lived a  single soul with two body. I was fully furnished my mind and heart. My life was still alive. I need a back my Jacqueline. Do a favour for me by returning my Jacqueline to me," he said.

"That's a huge deal but I will try," she said.

"Thank you, Mack," he said, she hold her warms and kissed him.

The new TEIFO were going on for him to return back his Jac. The  truth never shown to him anymore. She started the mission. 

Now was made into Jack and Jac in new and full moon day. He was so happily. He thanked Mack and went to explore the world with a single soul dual body.

And this was his THIRD IMAGINATION. Because he won't change or shapeshift his body on new and full moon day'eve and that's behind science. The real reason behind this TEIFO was to live his happily. He lived his real with a lot of problem. In firstly, he faced few lost in his science competition and made his high school crush into enemy. He started to tortured her. And later he became a owner of the wardrobe's shop and meet Jessy. He was fell in love with her. later, he thought she was traitor and made an affair with John Herman. That's leads him crazy. And he tensed and planned to sucicide himself. In the bridge,

"Hey man, What are you doing?" a man asked.

"I want to end my here," he said.

"You look handsome guy, I guess your were in your thirty's and why you were ending your life?" that man asked.

"Don't bother about me, dumb***," he shouted. That strange man was Steven George and he injected anaesthia and took him into his lab. And he started his TEIFO for him for torturing his daughter Emile. With the help of his daughter Mack, he did his experiment. Jack's family were also supported in this mission because they can't tolerate his bawdyness. And that's why Steven started 'WEREWOMAN' mission to him.  Mack told about her father to him was partially correct. He was famous for his 'TEIFO', but he got irriated by Jack's behaviour to his daughter. So, he started his mission with help of this crew.

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