Company pt.1

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I need a girl from the country,
I need a girl from Kentucky,
I need a shawty from Huston,
I need a girl who gon love me,
I need a girl who gon trust me.
X. Drake

Drakes new Mixtape is 🔥Fire💥
"If your reading this it's to late"

5 Months Later

Paris p.o.v
Hey Mr.Grumpy, I hugged Tre as I walked in the safe house we have been living in for the past 5 months.

How's my beautiful queen doing today, he asked looking at a stack of papers on the kitchen table. His face was serious.

I'm okay but are you hungry because I can make something really quickly before I go to school.

We moved to Los Angeles. We were on the news for a while as missing people but after 3 weeks they called off the search. I haven't seen Jordan, Alisha, nor my mom in these months and I miss them like crazy but Tre says that were still going to have to wait a bit longer before we go back. Nobody knows were we are not even Anthony.

Yea how about some waffles and sausages wit a side of how much I care about you.

Awwwww your so cheesy, I giggled while pulling out the flour and water to make his favorite chocolate chip waffles from scratch.

You feeling better, last night I think was one of the worst you've had in a while. Maybe you should get some therapy, he asked looking away from the stack and looked at me.

For the past several months since we've been here I've had horrible nightmares about the rape and the kidnapping. Tre still doesn't know Craig did it to me and it's going to stay like that.

No it's okay I'm going to be okay all I need right now is to stress less. Tre when do you think we can get back home it's February and high school is going to be over soon I need to go to collage.

Just give me some time to think about a excuse saying were we've been then we can go back okay. All I need is a little time that's all.

Okay, I put my head down and kept mixing the batter pouring it on the hot waffle pan then began cooking the sausage.

He walked up behind me then wrapped his arms around my waist.

It's all going to be okay you know that right Paris?

When he calls me by my full first name I know he's going to say something serious.

Honestly I really don't know anymore. Tre it's like you spend 90% of your day driving to Compton slanging at the trap. You leave me here all by myself and the only thing I do is go to that ghetto school were everyday someone new is trying to fight me.
I can't even go and visit my momma who I know is dieing inside because she doesn't know what happened to me, a couple tears feel down my face.

Paris I'm sorry for leaving you like that but the reason I've been in Compton a lot lately is cuz I'm tryna find that niggá dat did that shit to you. Me and Donavan been looking and I'm real close cuz word on the street is David was looking for you that night. I swear to god if he the one that did that shit to you he gon be 7 feet underground when I catch his ass slipin and that's on my life.

Are you serious Tre I told you to let it go. You've been leaving me here to go look for the guy that did this to me when I needed you the most. I have been trying my hardest to get past this but it's already hard enough without you doing all this extra stuff, I yelled turning around.

Don't be yelling at me like I did something wrong I'm tryna help you shít I'm tryna help us but you makin it hard cuz of this shit. Plus i aient finna let this go knowing that shit happened to you. So sit the fuck down running up on me acting like I'm the fucking criminal.

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