Bitch Better Have My Money

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Bitch better have my money, please don't call me on my bluff. Pay me what you owe me. Balling bigger then Lebron. Bitch, give me your money.

Paris p.o.v
On the outside I looked fearless but in the inside I was dying. Such unbearable pain and hidden emotions. All I wanted was to jump back into his arms and say I love you and I'm never going to stop but that wasn't the case. The way I felt was a mix of anger, betrayal, pride, and sorrow. How could one person feel so much at the same time?

Walking more and more into the dark ally way I turned the corner and made swift movements getting out of their just as fast as I made it in. I wasn't sure of what to do anymore. I lost what very little I had already. I couldn't go back to the house to get my things because I already knew what awaited me once I stepped foot in their.

Maybe I could stay with Alisha? I murmured to myself . After rethinking that thought I decided against it because that would only put her and her family in danger if Craig came looking for me. I couldn't stay with anyone. What I needed to do now is get as much money as I can and get the hell out of this fucked up city.

First I need a plan and it had to be a really smart and thought out one. It may have seemed as if Craig's was just a regular old crack head that used up all his money just to get a fix but little did yall know their was more then that. Being the deceiving bastard he is, he used to wire himself money from several nation wide accounts to always keep him stacked just in case one day he fucked with the wrong person and needed to disappear.

About almost a year and a half ago before I even met Tre, I was walking past his room and peaked inside. I heard him talking to someone else on the phone about wiring money to a secret bank account a few hours after a big stock boosted up its numbers. Stupidly saying all the details aloud he named a man called Tristan Santos that traveled back and forth from the west to east coast of New York Handling business as a stock broker while also investing in them himself. This man happens to be living right here in Compton and not only do I have dirt on Craig I also know how to bleed this man dry of his money.

While being my nosey self, Craig also mentioned how he was able to steal as much as he could without getting caught because how can a man with several foreign bank accounts keep up with the amount of embezzled money he's saved up over the past 10 years. Yup, 42 million dollars all in different Swiss bank accounts obtained by fraud. And if this information happened to reach the Feds and be convicted could lead to 42 long years in prison. That's where I come in, all I have to do is search up a name and an address. Nobody would dare turn down my proposition with being at risk to losing more then I would have took. All I need is a good Million or two, then I'm gone.

I first made my way to the library to get all the information I needed. Next I leaned around the corner of my block to check and see if Craig's beat down BMW was parked in the drive way. "Nope" I said grinning as I ran up the street and hopped the fence to the back door so no one could see me get in. As soon as I stepped foot in the house I went straight to work grabbing 5 black duffle bags filling only 2 of them with necessities like clothes, shoes, underwear, and all my medications. After I had all that settled I ran into my mothers room which she shares with Craig and started rummaging through drawers looking for anything that could help me. I grabbed my passport, birth certificate, and all my legal documents.

Not looking for anything specific I stumbled on 2 things in the night stand drawer. The first one a picture of me, my sister, my mom, and Craig. It was took when I was around 12 and my sister was 6. We all looked so happy but that was before the drugs took over and everything flipped upside down. Then the next thing was a Gun. An automatic black 9mm glock sat in my hands for a while. Realizing I had no time to waist I then shoved it in the back of my pants grabbed the picture with all my other things and walked down stairs into the garage.

I put all the stuff in the back of my 2013 Lexus my uncle had had bought me on my 16th birthday and took off. I drove to a random neighbor hood and switched license plates from one of the cars I picked out. Then stopped at a gas station, went into the bathroom and changed my clothes into an all black outfit. I waited for the clock to hit 7:30 when the sun would be fully down and the streets would be dark so I could do my thing. Patiently 5 houses down in my car I sat their until the time ran up.

I exited out the Lexus and pulled my black mask over my face and threw my hoodie over my head. I wasn't scared because my whole life I hide from things. I wasn't angry because my whole life I let things slide. People always told me that I was dumb and too naive, called me a little girl living in a woman's body, and always said I couldn't defend my own. But, the thing is look at who I am now. I can't take it anymore and I've had enough of being pushed around and being stepped on by other people. It was time for action and I was gunna take what they owed me and show them that I can fly by my fucking self.

I knocked on the door and ducked down so whoever looked through the peep hole couldn't see me.
"Hello?" a woman asked before opening the door.
"Is this the house of Tristan Santos?" I asked disguising my voice. "Yea, what can I help you with?" She annoyingly asked opening the door.

I reached behind me pulled out the glock and pointed it at her head. " I want my money!"

Cliff hanger
Let's leave it at that

Next update might be the last idk

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