Crazy ass bitch

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Authors note: Just to let y'all know the book is based at the end of August 2014

Tre p.o.v
What the fuck, I mumbled as I felt cold water slash onto my face and over my body.
I looked around trying to just my eyes to the surroundings until they landed on this female standing I front of me with the empty bucket in her hand.

It's about time you woke up, she said.

I stared at her and she looked so familiar. She was a light shade of brown and had medium length black hair falling down her shoulders.

Who the fuck are you.

So you don't remember me ,she climbed onto my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck. She looked into my eyes but I looked down at my bare chest staring at the few tattoos that I had.

Bitch get the fuck off me and why the hell am I here.

Awwwww your so cute when your angry I just wanna pinch your cheeks.

Is you dumb or crazy as fuck cuz once I get untied I'm coming for your ass.

All she was wearing was her bra and panties which were covered by the silk rob she had on.

Don't worry I'm not going to let that happen because we're gunna play a game, she got off my lap and walked over to this duffle bag that was in the middle of the room.

If you want the dick you aient gotta tie a G- up you just have to ask damn, I laughed at my comment but she walked back to me and slapped the fuck out of my face.

Don't you dare be so disrespectful and ignorant to me do you understand.

I spit the blood that was in my mouth onto the floor. I felt my eyes darken and I tilted my head to the side.

You have 1 minute to untie me and I'll spare your worthless life but if you don't and I get out I'm gunna wrap my hands around that pretty little neck of yours and watch you face turn 50 shades of blue until your weak heart gives up and stops beating.

She gulped and tilted her head to the side to smiling.

It's about time somebody shows you a lesson. Poor Antonio always thinking with his dick and mouth but not his brain.

How the fuck you know my name, I yelled.

Oops I guess you really don't remember me don't you poor Antonio Calvin Morgan. Born on October 25 1997 in New Orleans Louisiana. Abandoned at the age of 9 by his mother, a drug addict stripper. He soon later that year moved to Compton California with his Drug dealing father who died 2 years ago by getting shot 5 times ,2 in his right arm ,1 in the shoulder blade, 1 in his thigh ,and the last one between his eyes. Is their anything else you want me to tell you because I know it all.

Who the fuck are you, you crazy bitch. What the fuck you want from me just do that shit already. I swear on my pops grave I'm gunna kill you so do what the fuck you wanna do already because either way your dead by me or the squad. We travel in packs bitch and I bet they a already know I'm gone and they looking for me to.

Ohhh my god I almost forgot to tell you we have that pretty little girlfriend of yours to, she put up one hell of a fight but we got her. She almost got away tho almost, she said excitedly.

I put my head down.

Awwwww don't be sad we didn't do nothing to her. Yet.

She climbed back on my lap and pulled out a pistol.

I know she crazy as fuck and I wanna kill her ass but she's so damn fine I felt Jr rising.

Oops what's that I feel, she smiled and bit her lip.

Get the fuck off of me, I tried to push my body upwards so she could fall but she wrapped her legs around my body.

Nuhu don't try to push me off Antonio I don't like rejection.

Do I look like I give a crap about what you do and don't like.

She took the gun and hit my jaw with it.

What did I say before!!!!

This time i didn't spit the blood on the floor I launched that shit straight in her face.

Ewwwww what the hell is wrong with you.

I fell out laughing

I was thinking the exact same thing, I smirked. I was trying my best to get her supper angry enough to wear she couldn't take it anymore.

Fine if I can't get inside your head then I'm gunna get you another way.

And what's that?

Inside your pants, she smiled evilly and started to unbuckle my belt.

Bruh get yo thirsty ass of me damn.

She started grinding on me while pulling down my boxers.

You know you want it tho, she grinned and pulled out jr. She smirked and slid down on him.

Fuck, I grunted

Ugh, she moaned and started moving up and down.

After about 10 minutes I nutted and she came. She sat on me for a little bit to catch her breath and then walked out of the room.

I aient wanted her but no lie she rode that shit like a porn star. She walked back in put my pants back on and started staring at me.

Bitch you got the dick already why you stay staring at me for.

I wonder what Paris is going to think when she watches this, she pulled out a cd.

The fuck is that I asked.

The video of me riding your dick what else, she giggled.

She aient my girl so why should she care. I wasent trying to sound like a straight dog ass nigga but foreal she aient mine so if she get mad that's on her.

Okay fine then, Fat Rodney take this to the bitch downstairs and make her watch it.

A big ole black dude came out the back and took the cd and walked out the door.

Okay well I just wanted to say good luck.

Good luck for what, I asked confused.

I'm not the one that asked to bring you here, it's just my job to make sure everything goes as planned. You shouldn't be worried about me.

Who the hell wants me here than.

You should ask him yourself.
After that she walked out and the door opened again.

Well look who we got here, a deep voice echoed throughout the empty room.

Who the fuck are you, I asked looking up.

Your worst nightmare.

Quick update and I'm probably going to write another one tonight so.


Do y'all think Tre was low down dirty saying that about Paris?

Is she going to care?

You know what's popin

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