Alvin's Hesitation - Origin #1

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(Two-Shot - 1/2)

(Normal P.O.V.)

The bell rang for the end of the day of school. Alvin runs out of the school as fast as he can. His brothers and The Chipettes witnessed this and look at each other in confusion. "Where is Alvin going so quickly?" Theodore asks them questionly. Eleanor shrugs "I don't know Theo?" Brittany rolls her eyes "He's probably running home to play some videogames before Dave yells at him to do his homework or whatever." Simon snorts "You're probably right Britt. That is something Alvin would do" "Duh! I know I'm right" She said smugly. Jeanette sighs and starts to walk down the stairs "Come on guys, let's get home before Dave starts to look for us." They nod and follow her. They walk down the sidewalk towards the Sevilles house since that's where they're heading. When they got there, they went inside and went to look for Alvin.

(Alvin's P.O.V.)

Sighs... I'm so glad school is over for the day. Today has been a handful and I'm glad that it's almost over. At the moment I am writing in my notebook, and what I am writing has something to do with where I am. And where am I you may be asking? Well, I'm in my Secret Hideout in the kitchen. How? Well... It's hard to explain... You see, I built this whole place by myself with no help. It's underneath my house near Simon's Lab in our bedroom closet. How I built this without anyone knowing? Well... Slyly chuckles, what I am going to tell you might be a shock to you all. But... I-I am a genius. Yeah, that's right. You heard me right. What? You thought Simon was the only genius in the family? Pfft, yeah right... If you want me to be honest. I think I'm smarter than him by a lot. *Shrugs* Not sure how? Anyway, no one in my family knows I'm a genius and I want to keep it that way. You see I don't want to be known as the nerd that knows everything. I want to be known as who I really am. Impulsive, Charming, occasionally obnoxious, handsome, full of myself, etc. The only person that knows my intelligence is my science teacher. He found out when I was in the science classroom one day after school when I was done with detention. He was shocked to see me there working on some of my parts to my Secret Hideout. I tried to lie but didn't since he witnessed me working on it. So I told him the truth about my intelligence and what I am making. He surprisingly wasn't mad at me.

He understood why I kept it a secret and said that he would keep it to himself and would help me whenever I needed it. I was so grateful for it and thanked him. Now, whenever I'm in class, he doesn't expect me to even get good grades as I should. But instead, he gives me extra credit points for the inventions I make for the Secret Hideout. I'm very grateful for that. Anyway... back to what I am writing in my notebook. I smiled, since I am finished with the workroom, kitchen, storage, relaxation room, and one of the bathrooms. I can finally focus on the three rooms I want to decorate! I spoke out loud not realizing it "Okay, let's see... Which room should be my bedroom? I know that the studio is in the middle of the two rooms so..." I think some more and beam a smile. I get up from my seat and walked into the unfinished living room. I chuckle from the vision I just had "Yeah... I can totally see myself walking in and out through there. Okay, so the room to the right will be mine and the one to the left will be undecided for now. I'm not sure what to do with it yet..." I write down my idea in my notebook and grin. Since I can't think of what to do with the other room, I shall start on the other rooms. I mumble "Let's get started." I run off to the workroom and start to work on the three unmade rooms. I might as well start on the other room as well since who knows, maybe It'll come to new use?

(Normal P.O.V.) - With Simon, Theodore, and The Chipettes

They walk back downstairs to the living room even more confused. They went upstairs looking for Alvin since that's where they thought he would be, but he wasn't there. Simon thinks "Where could he be?" Jeanette shrugs "I'm not sure Simon, he could be anywhere." Brittany snorts "He'll come out sooner or later wherever he is guys. Let's just enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts." Eleanor agrees "Good idea Britt! Let's watch Tv or something?" Theodore smiles "I'll go get some snacks!" He walks away while the rest of them goes to the couch. Eleanor turns on the Tv and sits down on the couch next to Brittany. Theodore comes back and places the snacks on the table and grabs some then sits next to Eleanor on the couch. They watch Tv till Dave comes into the room to remind them that dinner will be ready in two hours. When two hours went by Alvin came down the stairs to go to the kitchen for dinner when he spots his brothers and The Chipettes on the couch watching Tv. He raises an eyebrow and walks over to them. "Hey, guys?" They all jump in surprise and turn to him. Brittany glares at him "Jeez, Alvin! Don't scare us like that!" He sly smiles "Heh, sorry didn't mean to startle you guys, but you do know that it's dinner time right?" Eleanor blinks "Really? *She looks at the time on her phone* Wow! Two hours went by really fast." Alvin nods "Yeah, now come on, dinner's going to get cold. They all nod.

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