Olivia and Victoria Tomlinson

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"OI WAKE UP AND HELP ME." I jolt awake and see Zayn above me, I rub my eyes and sit up, "The fuck do you want Malik." I groaned with my raspy voice, "My parents just called and they're coming in like two hours, you gotta help me clean this shit." I nod and get up, looking around I see our friend group lying on the floor, Liam passed out on the couch, Niall right on the floor, but I don't see any trace of Harry. Then I remember what happened last night, the tequila shot I took from him, how breathless he was.

"Did Harry leave?" I ask Zayn who's waking Liam up, "No he's in the bathroom, he woke up pretty fast so he's freshening up a bit." I nod, "You got something for this headache." He nods and gets up from the coach when Liam gets up, "Go into the kitchen there's some pills there, could you please clean the kitchen up?" He asks with pleading eyes, I nod again, "Yea sure mate." He sighs in relief, "Thank you you are a lifesaver." I head into the kitchen and find the pills and take two out, swallowing them with a glass of water. "Oh- Hi." I turn around from the sound of the deep gravelly voice and see Harry.

I smile at him, "Hi, I was just gonna help Z and clean the kitchen." He nods, "Ill um I'll help you." We started working in a bit of an awkward silence, grabbing trash bags and stuffing cups and trash in it till they were full. I was clearing out some of the bottles when I started talking, "You seemed nervous last night, was it your first time giving a shot?"

He doesn't say anything, instead nods. "I've taken shots from bodies a few times but no one's ever done one on me." Then he mumbles, so slowly I almost don't hear it. "And never done one with a guy."

"Did you enjoy it?" I tease as I look up at him and he stills, "Umm-no like I don't mean I don't like you I-just don-t like gu-" I put my hand on his shoulder, "Woah curly, I was joking." He chuckles, "Yes of course you were, sorry for freaking out." I force a smile, "No problem mate, and hey it's not like there's something wrong even if you did." I try to subtly give him some hints while also trying to seem like it's a joke but he smiles timidly at the floor and I feel that my message got through. "You uh, you don't mind guys liking guys?" He asks without looking up." I smile, shaking my head, "Not one bit." He smiles and bite's his lip, looking adorable

"Good to know."


"Im home mum." I knock on the door of her study softly and she tells me to come in. I open the door and see her typing away on her computer, she looks up barely with her eyes then focuses on her work all over again. "I need you to take the girl's somewhere all night on Monday, Me and your father are having people over and we don't need any distractions, they are going to stay over so decide now where you want to go." My eyes widen, "W-what? Why?" She sighs and takes off her glasses, "I already explained that, you can either take them to a friends house or I can book a hotel room for you guys, just tell me by tomorrow."

"So like the whole night? Like we will be back home the next day?" She nods, "Just take a bag with stuff for you and the girls, you will drop them off at daycare in the morning and go to school and come back home then." I sigh, "Yea okay, I don't want to bother anyone so just book a hotel, and can you please get a joint room. Please?" She thinks for a moment, "Fine, you can go to the Hilton that's a couple miles away." I nod, "Thank you Mum, anything else?" She shakes her head, "No that's it." I nod and leave the room.

I slowly open the twins door and see their sleeping figures. It's about 9 in the morning so they won't be up for another hour. I walk onto their king sized bed, (They didn't want separate one's), and get into the middle, sitting up on the head board and pulling the covers over my legs. I run my hands through their hair and just sit there. Remaining in their presence.

Something I will always hate is how the twins never got the love of their own parents, hell even I didn't but atleast I was their first child so they had a bit of excitement in them, but the twins, as much as I hate to say it, they were a mistake, mum and dad didn't want them. I remember the night they found out, mum didn't stop crying and dad was furious, they later just accepted the fact that they would have more children but that acceptance didn't include loving them and being good parents to them.

During my zoning out I feel an arm wrap around my waist and a head in my lap, I look down to see Vicci starting to wake up. "Lou?" She murmurs, "Yes love, I'm right here." She opens her eyes and smiles and I return it. "Wove you." I chuckle at her muffled voice, "I love you too baby." She sits up and leans into my chest and I wrap an arm around her waist. "Mummy and Daddy were mad last night." I furrow my eyebrows. "What happened, love?"

"Th-they were shouting really really loud and it was scary." I rub her back and kiss the top of her head, "Was this the first time it happened?" I ask her, she shakes her head no, "The-they've been getting angry when w-we eat but I don't know what happened. I don't like it." She pouts. "I'm sorry love, I'll talk to mum and dad alright?" She nods and snuggles closer to me, by now Olivia has woken up as well and joins our cuddle, talking about things. I tell them about Monday night and instead of not wanting to go like I expected they're excited to go. I ask them why they're so happy and they answer, "Because we get to spend a lot of time with you!" The way Olivia says it so happily nearly brings tears to my eyes and I hug them both, I love them with all I've got.


A/N: Hello loves! So you know a little bit about the Tomlinson family. This will play a pretty big role in the story so yea. Hope you like it! (If you do like it please vote and comment it makes my day)

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