Green eyes and curly hair.

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It's Monday.

Kill me.

I roll over and shut off my annoying alarm and try to wake myself up. When I knew that if I didn't get up right then I would fall back asleep, I sat up and started to get ready. I grabbed a black shirt with black skinny jeans and some boxers and headed to the shower.

While in there I remember something, the curly haired kid. I don't know what it is about him but he just catches my eye. His green eyes are good enough to melt into, his dimples coming out even when he's not smiling. All in all, he's fit.

I shrug away these thoughts and turn off the now cold water, wrap a towel around myself and dry off. Once dressed I brush out my hair a bit until it's just how I like it and head downstairs for a quick breakfast.

My house is pretty big. I won't lie. My parents make a lot of money but they never gained a heart of any kind. Me and my sisters have been pretty much on our own. I'm the oldest and my younger sisters are twins, Olivia and Victoria. They are 5 years old and I've taken care of them more than mum and dad ever have. It's fine though, I love the girls to death.

I pass my parents room and roll my eyes when I hear faint moaning. I quickly grab a breakfast bar from the pantry and get to the twins room to drop them off at daycare. "Good Morning Cupcakes!" The two sitting on the bed face me, "Loulou!" They both run to me and hug me, I crouch down and pull them in my arms, kissing the top of their heads, "Did mum get you both ready?" They nod so I take their hands and start talking to them in hopes of fading out the moaning noise, they really don't need to hear that. I buckle them up in my car and drive off.

I drop them off with a hug and a kiss and head to school, as I get there I look around to see Liam and Niall talking to Zayn Malik, he's a great friend but not as close to me as Niall and Liam are. Next to him there's another person, I didn't know who it was so I got closer and nearly let a gasp out as I saw familiar green eyes. "Hi guys." They all turn to me, "Hi Lou! This is Harry, Zayns friend." Niall comes to me and greets me with a hug.

"Zayn." I nod to him in greeting, "Hello Louis." I hold my hand up to the curly haired boy, "Hello Harry, I'm Louis." He smirks and shakes my hand in a firm grip. "Hello." I drop my hand and the other three have already restarted their own conversation, leaving me and Harry to stand there, stealing glances for some reason. I just can't keep my eyes off him, looks like he can't either because I catch him doing the same thing.

"Hey Louis you're trying out for football right?" I look at Liam and nod, "Yeah of course, I'm trying to get captain again." I was captain for the first time in sophomore year, last year, and I want to be one this year too, maybe the next as well.

"Really? So am I." Harry speaks up, I look at him and force a smile, "Nice, what position do you play?" He smiles, "Center Midfield'' ( I have no idea how soccer/football works so if I did something wrong please tell me.) Shit. That's what I play. "Oh cool, Louis' in that position too." Liam wraps an arm around me and smiles, "Well then I guess I'll have some good competition." Harry looks at me.

The bell rings after a few minutes and we head to class, this one including me, Zayn, and Niall. It's math, I hate math. I'd rather get eaten by a dog, get thrown up and then eaten again than do math willingly. The only reason I actually do this shit is so I can get into a good college and get away from my lovely mother and Father.

"Okay class, we aren't doing anything today cause it's the first so I am just going to pass out a syllabus and you all can get to know each other. I need to organize some things so feel free to talk just don't break anything or shout or start a fire." She smiles as some people in the class chuckle, maybe she won't be that bad. "By the way my name is Ms. Hudson but honestly just call me Cara, my real name, you guys are pretty much adults at this point." She sits back down on her desk.

I look up and see Zayn and Niall coming my way, "Hey Mate." "Nigel, Zaynie." I nod at them as they roll their eyes at the names. "I might actually like math this year, Cara's hot." I glare at Niall, "Really?" He gives me a raised eyebrow, "Do you disagree?" I snort, "I mean no she looks good but like really? She's your teacher for god sakes." He laughs, "Relax I'm not gonna sleep with her or something." Zayn hits him upside the head, "Idiot." He mutters.

To be honest i don't even think she's that attractive, like yes she's beautiful as every woman is but I just don't see what the big deal is. I guess because I prefer men I just don't see it. Oh wow didn't mention it did I? Yep, I like men, dick, whatever you wanna say. Im a closet case in this homophobic world. What do I do to cover it? Fuck girls and act like the rest of this shit town.

We talk amongst the three of us the whole class but then I get a bit curious about Harry. I don't know why but something just intrigues me about him.

 "Hey Zayn," He hums looking up from his sketch he was making while talking, "Where is Harry from?" I ask, "Manchester, he came here because of family stuff though i'm not sure what exactly." He shrugs. "Did you used to go to school or something?" He nods, "Yea we spent elementary together till my parents came here cause of a job offer they couldn't refuse, we stayed close so he's still my best friend." I nod. There is just something about him that wants me to keep my eye on him.

After a few more minutes of talking the bell rings and we have a ten minute break before our next class. I go to my locker and replace my books for my next class and join the boys again which now include Liam and Harry. As I walk over to them Harry and me lock eyes and he smiles timidly, before his face looks somewhere else quickly, almost like someone snapped him out of something. I frown a bit, joining the others with the conversation, occasionally sneaking glances at the boy.


A/N: Hello loves! So I think that I will be updating every Saturday and maybe later I might add more days for update's but we will see. I know this chapter was probably a bit boring but I think it was needed so it will like set the story in place, the next chapter will be a lot more interesting. Anyways I hope you like this chapter and I will see you next week!

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