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"Louis? Harry? Come on get in. What hospital is it?" They both get in the backseat, James is wearing a hoodie and jeans, a lot different from his usual sport attire.

"Um the city hospital, they didnt let us in cause we're minors." James nods as he determinedly starts driving.

"Um thanks for coming by the way, I just didn't know what to do and I couldn't call any of our par-"

"Louis it's alright, like I said i'm here to help you two. And I'm glad you called." Louis smiles and takes Harry's hand who leans against his shoulder. He places a quick kiss in his curls, blushing when he notices Coach looking from the rear view mirror smiling.

He looks at Harry's face, it's a bit tense and worried looking with his eyes closed.

"You okay?" He quietly asks Harry who nods.

"Yeah, just a little spooked is all." Louis snakes an arm around his waist, pulling him closer.

They arrive at the hospital, quickly going to the receptionist desk.

"Hi, we're here to see Aiden Campbell." James says with a smile. The receptionist looks up from the computer.

"Yeah sure, I just need to see some I.D." The man pulls his wallet from his back pocket and shows the card.

"So it says here he came with another boy but no parents or adult. What is your relation to him?" She asks.

"Im his uncle, his parents are out of town and the other boy is his friend, though I dont know his name." He swiftly lies.

Louis and Harry stay silent, letting the adult do the talking.

"Okay we need parents or a guardian for the other boy, your nephew said his name is Samuel Romero but we don't have any other information. Aiden seemed to have went into a bit of a shock, he hasn't said anything since he arrived besides the name. You can see him in room 312, Samuel is still being checked by doctors to see if he has any other major injuries." She finishes her information and gives them visitor passes.

"Also you two are minors correct?" She ask's Louis and Harry, they nod.

"Okay just letting you know that if you are planning to stay the night you are not able to. Though James here can."

"Okay thank you." James says and takes Harry and Louis to Aiden.

They pass by multiple doors, some closed, others open. The amount of crying people they see makes their hearts break a bit.

When they arrive at 312 the door is open, stepping inside they see a nurse wrapping a bandage around Aiden's head, along with trying to get him to speak.

"You know your head injury is already looking a lot better, it must feel better hm?" She waits for an answer but all she gets is a tiny nod from him, he doesn't even look at her, just stares at the wall.

"It's okay if you dont want to talk, but we just want to be able to call someone to help you darling. Take the time you need okay? If you need anything press this button right here on this remote alright? I'm gonna be your nurse for however long your here so you'll be met with a familiar face instead of someone random every time okay love?" Another nod.

Before she can turn away to leave the room the boy whimpers a tiny bit when he forms some words.

"T-thank you." She faces him fully with a bright smile.

"You are more than welcome love. Remember what I said alright? Call me whenever you need." She gives him a warms smile that he tries to return but can't, all he can think of is if his lover is alright.

James decides to make their presence known and gently knock on the door, making the nurse and Aiden turn their faces, directing them at the door.

"Hi there! Are you a family member of Aiden?" The nurse asks.

"Yes I'm his uncle, these are his friends." He lies, Aiden knows to keep his mouth shut instead of questioning it, he's just grateful Harry and Louis came up with a plan.

"That's great! I was just telling him that if all his injuries stay dry during the night he can be checked out if a family member or guardian comes, Im thinking that person would be you?" She has a cheery and nice personality, its quite refreshing, like her bright tone almost makes everything seem fine even if its not.

"Yep! I can stay here overnight as well and if he's alright I'll take him home, his parents are out of town so it'll be me." He smiles warmly.

"Okay sounds good. I'll leave you all alone." WIth that she leaves with a warm smile and a pat on the shoulder to AIden who doesnt even flinch. James comes foreward to the boy and starts talking in a calm and soothing voice.

"Hey there bud, theres no need to worry alright? Harry, Louis and I are gonna help you alright?"

All he does is nod, wondering if he should ask what he's been wanting to all night.

"You wanna see Sam dont you?" Harry asks, stepping foreward. AIden for the first time looks directly into someones eyes, his own pleading and begging.

"P-please I just wanna know if he's okay." His voice is low, barely a whisper, but holds so much emotion its obvious how much this boy means to him.

"And we'll get him to you alright? He's still being checked out by doctors but I assure you he will be fine. THere looking for any major injuries right now and fixing him up, he's uncoincess right now but as soon as I know he's awake I will let you know." James explains.

Aiden stays quiet, transferring the information from his ears to his brain.

"Do you know? About um.." Aiden asks, looking at his coach who smiles and nods.

"I do, and I'll help you both alright? I'm assuming you know about Harry and Louis?" He smiles towards the young couple who reciprocate it.

"Y-yeah I do, they told me. Your um, your okay with it? I-I mean it's obvious you are but like h-how are you okay with it?" His voice is starting to get more strength in it, his curiosity getting the best of him.

James looks around, making sure no one is nearby to listen to their conversation before answering.

"I've been in a relationship with someone I met in high school, a man." He lowers his voice while telling his information.

"Oh." Is all he says.

"I recently found out about Harry and Louis and I told them as well-" He's cut of by a nurse knocking on the door and walking in, the same one as before.

"Hi Aiden, I just wanted to tell you and your uncle that Sam has woken up, he's actually asking for you so if you would like I can send a wheelchair over and you can see him."


A/N: Hello loves! So the next chapter will be in Aidens pov so I hope your fine with that. I dont have much more to say so hope you have a great day and please vote and comment if you can thank you!

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