Cuddle bug.

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"Do you maybe want to stay here for the night?" I whisper to Harry, It's been about 10 minutes since our kiss, we just stayed in each other's hold.

He takes a moment before nodding, "Yea, I'd like that." We both don't raise our voice, too scared to break our comfort bubble. I smile at him, "Can I hug you?" I ask softly when I see more tears come into his eyes, he nods, "Please."

I wrap my arms around his neck, he wraps his arms around my waist, it's comforting.

I feel him shaking then his labored breaths, I just run my hand through his fingers, "Shh, I've got you yeah? Let it out love, I'm here." He lets out a heartbreaking sob and I know what this is about, his sobs bring tears to my eyes as well, I close my eyes and hold him tighter, tears running down our faces, tired of hiding, tired of hating ourselves for who we are, tired of everything people like us have to go through.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry." He cries out hoarsely, I shake my head, "It's not your fault, dont say sorry." He nods and holds me tighter, "I dont wanna hide, I dont wanna deny who i am cause it's so fucking hard." He whispers out, I just nod, "I know, but people like us have to, I don't know when it'll stop but until then it's gonna stay like this." I kiss the top of his head for comfort and we calm down a bit. His sobs turn into little sniffles and hiccups and we stay there, not letting the other pull away.

"How about we get ready for bed hm? I'll cuddle you." I joke a bit to lighten the mood a bit, he chuckles a bit and nods, I let him go just enough for me to see his face, cheeks streaked with tears, his green eyes never looked too green, like emerald, clear and shiny. "You're beautiful." I say without thinking, he blushes and I can see it despite the darkness of the room and I decide I'm glad it slipped out.

He wipes his eyes and sniffles a bit, smiling timidly and looking down, "Thank you." He whispers out and I chuckle at his adorableness. I hesitantly kiss his cheek and he smiles wider, "I'll lend you some clothes." He nods and I crawl out of bed and go to my duffel bag, I grab an extra shirt and basketball shorts and turn back to Harry who was looking forward and picking at his cuticles, he looked tense.

I go to him and put a hand on his shoulder and he jumps, "You okay?" I rest the clothes on the bed and sit in front of him and he just shrugs, "What does this mean?" He looks nervous and goes on biting his nails, it looks like he doesn't even realize he's doing it, I take his hands away and into mine, holding them there and he realizes his actions.

"What do you mean?" He looks down, "The um the kiss?" I think for a moment, "I mean it doesn't have to mean anything if you don't want to b-but I was thinking if yo-"

"Harry." I cut his frantic rambling


I chuckle and put my hand on his cheek like before, "This can mean whatever you want it to and for the record I like you a lot." I smile as his eyes lighten up, "I-I like you to." He stutters, my smile brightens and I lean in to kiss his cheek and when I pull away he bitess his lip to suppress a smile and leans in doing the same and sitting back quickly, I laugh, "You are adorable, now go get changed and I'm gonna check on the girls." He nods and jumps up and goes into the bathroom.

I get up from the bed and slowly open the door to the other room and see the girls soundly sleeping, I smile and give a kiss to both of their foreheads and leave quietly seeing Harry coming out of the bathroom.

"It's only 9:30 so wanna watch something?" I ask and he nods, I go into the bathroom and quickly get ready for bed, I see Harry getting settled under the sheets and on his phone. He looks up and pats the space beside him. I go grab the remote for the tv and get under the sheets with him.

"So what do you wanna watch?" I ask as I turn the tv on and he shrugs, "I don't watch stuff so just put on something you like." I nod and turn on friends.

We watch the show and about 15 minutes in, Harry slowly puts his head on my shoulder, my lips turn upward and I wrap an arm around his waist. About 5 more minutes in he yawns, "Tired?" I ask and he nods, "Work after footie and school is really hard." He murmurs out, his eyes getting droopy, I kiss his forehead and he smiles a bit despite his tiredness. "I'm sorry, it does seem really hard."

I turn off the TV and set an alarm, laying back and bringing Harry down with me. He gets cuddly when he's sleepy cause he didn't even think of letting me go, and when we get settled he throws his leg across my body and wraps an arm.

"Cuddlebug." I murmur fondly, seeing he's pretty much asleep at this point. I rub his back and slowly fall into a deep sleep.


A/N: Hi loves! So this is more of a filler chapter and it's pretty short so I apologize for that, but I hope you liked this cute fluff and some clearing of their feelings. I hope you liked it and if you did don't forget to vote and comment and I will see you on Saturday. <3

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