Pizza and the night sky.

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When Louis arrives he doesn't even bother to knock, he opens the door and is surrounded by the noises of laughing and screams from the kitchen. He chuckles at his friends and walks in there to see the three boys covered in flour and sauce.

"What the fuck happened to you guys?!" He burst out laughing.

The kitchen is a mess too. In front of them in the kitchen Iceland is a lump of dough that's been powdered and re-rolled way too many times, the table is covered in sauce and there's poorly sliced vegetables in the corner.

"We were trying to make a pizza but we forgot none of us know how to cook." Liam pouts and Louis puts a hand over his mouth to stifle a laugh. He walks in.

"Well, aren't you glad that I can?" Liam lights up.

"You can cook?" Louis nods, it's one of the things he's learned to do from his parents' ignorance.

"Yeah, I've learned a thing or two." He washes his hands first and takes the dough, starting to knead it, trying to figure out if he can work with it.

"Uh Li get me some oil, and you three clean this shit up." Liam hands him the oil and Louis takes some in his hands and starts to lather it with the oil. It soon becomes soft and workable the more he kneads it, leaving the three other boys amazed.

"Okay I'm gonna give you all things to do so it goes faster. Liam you need to slice the pepperoni, olives, and green peppers. Zayn you slice the tomatoes and mushrooms, and Niall you need to cook the sauce a bit." The boys look at him like he's crazy and he knows he needs to show them how to do it all.

"Fucks sake okay Niall, open the jar and pour the sauce in a pan, Liam makes thin slides of the pepperoni like this." He shows the boys how to do everything as he gives orders. Soon the four boys are hard at work, trying to make a pizza.

Louis focuses on the dough and putting everything precisely on the pizza, he also keeps an eye out for any of the boys that need help, which was a lot more times than he could count.

"Zayn, you need to take the greater thing to the mushroom, like this. Don't slice your finger, these things hurt like a bitch." He explains, showing Zayn how to do it.

It's fun, they haven't hung out together in a while and this was quite refreshing. They all missed Harry but they knew that he would be here sooner or later.

It was about seven right now, they took quite a bit of time cleaning everything up for the pizza's, they decided to make another, knowing they'd all get through one very fast, and the time they took at school before even getting there. One hour before Harry comes and Louis' excited, any time he can spend with his boyfriend is time he loves.

Once both Pizza's are in the oven, the boys take a break for their hard work, Liam brings out some beers he got from with his fake ID. Louis doesn't drink more than half a bottle, he has to drive Harry home, he can drink as much as he wants later.

They spend the time watching a random movie, no one is really paying attention, they all chatter with each other, catching up on everything. Louis' phone buzzes and he grabs it out of his back pocket, it's Harry's number.

Harry: My shift ends in less than 10 min so start driving here xx

Louis: Alright love xx

"Hey lads, i'm off to pick up Harry." He stands up from the couch, fixing his shirt.

"Alright mate, how long will it take?" Liam asks, taking a sip from the bottle.

"Um I don't know, not more than like twenty minutes i'd say." They all nod so Louis walks out, turning the ignition on and driving out of the driveway. Butterflies erupt in his stomach for no reason other than he gets to see Harry.

He turns on the radio, he keeps the volume low, loving drives like these. When he's alone, the sky is dark, the stars glistening the upper world. The air is crisp and everything just feels so fresh, so intimate.

It is one of the things he loves about the night sky, how your whole world could be upside down, but the night sky envelopes you in such a closeness, it makes you feel like everything will be okay.

Even if you yourself didn't think that the whole day, didn't think anything will be okay. When you look up at the sky it gives you reassurance. Like the stars are promising you that they'll look after you.

And the moon, it knows everything. It looks down on the world, shining it in its pastel white color in a soft glow.

It's beautiful.

Like Harry.

His Harry.

Harry is someone that makes his stomach flutter at the mention of his name. Someone that'll make him go soft and mushy. Harry means so much to him. Sometimes he believes he's so close to saying those three magical words that many people crave to hear.

But even that is so scary.

The fact that he could be ripped away from him. In a heartbeat. All this could be gone.

He tries not to think of it like that. He tries to not worry about the negative, but it's so hard. The worry in the back of his mind of losing the only person that knows all of him, the person he could give his whole self to.

As he reaches the hotel, he wonders if they'll last. If they'll be okay. Because thats something that even the stars cant reassure him. If he could, he would run away with Harry. Go someplace where no one will find them. A place thats only for them.

A place like the forest in the park, they've only been there a few times, but it means so much to the couple. The memories and confessions that have taken place there.

And the hotel room.

The hotel room.

The one that let them have their first kiss in the dark, with nothing but a bathroom light dancing on their faces. A soft bed, a hand on Harry's cheek, and complete silence. A blanket of warmth that was brought in with just one press of their lips.

The hotel room that blossomed their teenage romance, their forbidden love.


A/N: Hii, so kinda a short filler chapter before the storm, the next few chapters will have a major event happening so be ready. Thank you for being patient on updates, there is a chance I will update on Wednesday but I can't promise anything. Even though it's summer break now I dont have much time to myself cause I cant make the excuse i'm doing school work to write lmao.

Also I'm a high schooler now so yay me ig.🙄

I think that's all so please vote and comment your thoughts, I love hearing from any of you so please. Remember to tpwk and I will see you next time. Bye babes <3

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