'I'm proud of you son.'

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As the two walk out of the locker room building, Niall cheers out a 'finally' at them. The two roll their eyes and swiftly lied that coach wanted to talk to them, well that wasn't a full lie...

They both are still so stunned about what happened about two minutes ago, someone knows, and they don't just know, they support them. Coach James out of all people is someone they can trust.

It's devastating really, that they can't trust their friends they trust with everything, the fear of them turning against the two is just too scary to think about. They couldn't take it.

Right now they're heading over to Liam's house, Harry too but he has to go to work, he'll arrive later. Louis has to drop him off at home and pick him up later on. Thankfully the boys already know he goes to work, he told them one day explaining a funny story, the boys were proud of him, for working at such an age and still toggling footie and school, just like Louis was.

They have pizza and movies planned, along with the usual fifa in between and possible beers, Liam's parents are out of town for the weekend so getting a bit of alcohol wouldn't hurt.

The couple doesn't have a game this week, their games are starting out every other week then later if they get into actual competitions they'll have them every week. For now though, they're off.

The five drive into their two separate cars, Louis and Harry together and the other three in Nialls. The three go to Liam's house immediately while Louis drives Harry to his house so he can get changed, but what happens when he gets there leaves him speechless.

They had pulled over on the side of the road in front of Harry's house, it's quite small, a lot smaller than Louis but it's livable. Harry rushed out of the car to get into all black and the company shirt but before he could get out of the house his father stopped him.

"Son." The man firmy says, even something as simple as that is enough to send shivers down his spine. He turns around, taking a breath in to steady himself and faces the man that lives in his nightmares.

"Yes dad?" He's glad his voice isn't shaking like crazy, meanwhile his legs are two seconds from collapsing.

His father leans out and looks out the window, showing Louis in the car on his phone. THe man leans his head towards the boy, raising an eyebrow.

"I've seen him drop you off more times than not, how about you bring him in so I can meet him." His rough voice makes Harry's breath get caught in his throat, it's obvious what he's doing, he wants to see how his son acts around boys, if he's still a faggot.

"Um, I'm getting late for work, maybe some other time?" Harry tries to suggest, but one glare from his dad makes him nod his head and head out to get his boyfriend, who's now looking at a squirrel tumbling in a tree.

Harry walks up to the car and Louis hears the scruff of his shoes so he turns his head with a smile, but he starts to from noticing Harry's scared figure.

"H? What's wrong?" He timidly asks, he can see Harry's father looking out the window.

"Um my dad wants to meet you if that's okay? Please?" Louis can see the desperation in his eyes, begging him to just listen and get this over with, he nods and starts unbuckling his seatbelt, trying to stop his hands from shaking from the nerves.

He opens the door and starts to walk towards the unfamiliar house, keeping a distance from his boyfriend that he just wants to close ever since he saw his figure become smaller and more fragile. He rehearses what to say so his mind does not blank out leaving him standing there like an idiot.

Harry opens the door as the large man is shown, Louis comes in front of him and puts on a smile, showing his hand out.

"Hi sir, I'm Louis Tomlinson, a friend of Harry's." He swiftly gets out, as Harry's dad returns the shake, the firm grip almost hurting Louis' delicate hand.

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