Phone calls

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"You okay love?" Louis asks Harry.

They're walking to their usual spot in the park, deciding to take a break from everything for a bit before having to talk to the boys.

Harry hasn't said a word to Louis, seeming very distant.

Harry nods, looking up for the first time as he takes the turn leading them towards the park.

"Yeah m'okay." He smiles, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes, and Louis knows he just lied.

But for now he enjoys the fresh crisp air as they walk, deciding to talk when they get to their destination.

Its times like these the boys want to hold the other the most, when Louis wants to hold his darling in his arms and decide to never let go, to hold him as far as the distance Harry is and bring him back.

And all Harry is desperate to do is hide. Hide in the first and never come back, to take Louis with him through this distance and never let anyone find the route to the destination.

For know though, the farthest distance they can get from the outside world is this small area in the forest they can call theirs.

Louis doesnt know what exactly is bothering Harry, but he does know that something is wrong, and they need to talk anyways about the other boys so why not use this time they have.

As they sit on the dry and rough ground, leaning against their tree trunk, they spend a moment of silence, deciding who and what would be said first.

Louis eventually decides that he would be the one to break the silence.

"So what are we gonna tell the boys?"

It's a simple question, small and straightforward. But for some reason, the answer is so diverse.

"I dont know." Harry whispers, and yeah, that's one way to answer the question, hell its the only way the boys can think of answering it.

"How about we call them? Easier than face to face?" Louis suggest, and Harry sighs and leans his head on Louis shoulder, hes tired of this, they both are.

"Yeah, who's gonna do it?" Louis chuckles.

"Well I know for a fact you dont wanna do it, so I'll start it, and you help me out. Got it?" Harry snorts lightly and sways his hands out as a lazy handshake, more like a hand hold but whatever.


Louis smiles and kisses the hand engulfed with his, they both lean against eachother as they await for the upcoming events. Louis pulls out his phone and decides to call back Zayn since he's the first contact at the top of his phone because of an ignored call.

The boy put the speaker on and sighs.

"Hello? Louis?" The rough voice comes through the phone speakers amd Louis rubs his face before answering.

"Hey Zee, got a minute?"

"Yeah yeah of course um...hows Aiden?" The hesitation and question in his voice nearly makes Louis laugh, is he ashamed to ask how someone is now?

"He's--He's fine." He keeps the answer short.

There's an awkward silence after that, no one quite knows what to say.

Eventually though, there's a sigh on the other line.

"Look I- I dont really mind it--you know the gay thing--its just new to me but I know thats no way to treat a person. I dont know about the others though alright?" His voice is lowered, like he's hoping for no one but the two to hear it.

"Okay thats- thats nice. We um, obviously dont have a problem with it." The sentence makes Harry snort and he slaps a hand across his mouth to silence his laughs, Louis slaps his arm to make him spot but it only makes the boy laugh harder.

"Shut up!" Louis whispers to Harry and he tries his hardest to gain control.

"Um who are you talking to?" Zayn asks through the other line.

"Uh no one anyways," Louis makes his best effort to not give in to the laughing, Harry doesn't even know why its so funny to him he just does.

"Ignore it Zee, can you put Liam on the line?" He asks, hes scared, he knows how religion Liam's family is, Niall's is a bit more chill but homophobia is just such a normal thing.

"Yeah sure, there kinda acting weird but I dont know what they'll think y'know?" Louis sighs, how will he explain this one.

"Okay thanks for the heads up Zee."

While they wait for the phone to be transferred Harry looks up to Louis and requests a kiss, Louis pecks the lips twice then the corner of his mouth and smiles before returning to the phone.

"Hello...? Louis?" Louis braces himself before sighing and spilling out words as fast as he can.

"Look i'm gonna keep this short and simple, if you or Niall have a problem with what me and Harry did today then I dont care, you can stop being friends with us or whatever, if you think what we did was wrong then I'll tell you that me and Harry dont feel that way, and we hope you and Ni do to."

There its out, hes tired of this shit and just wants to spend some time with Harry.

"I- Okay. Um, look you know how my family is an-and I've grown up that way but if it means I lose you two because of that th-then that's not worth it I guess. I'll try to understand- it might be a bit hard and take some time but I'll try."

"Yeah and I guess it not a big deal." Niall's voice. "My family is pretty chill and we pretty much never talk about it b-but I know they dont support it and we'll try okay?"

Louis sighs out of relief, that was actually really easy.

"Okay thank you for not making it like a huge deal I guess, we can just forget about it if you want and never talk about it again." Louis suggest.

"N-no its fine its not that. Its just, I dont really know much about this stuff you know?"

"Yeah I get it. And thank you, all of you."

"No problem mate, are you coming back here soon?" Liam asks and he thinks for a moment, he really just wants to spend the night with Harry.

"Um yeah we'll see."

"Alright then, bye."

"Bye li."


A/N: I decided to update one day early. Happy 11 years to all my directioners!! This fandom and this band has done so much for me that a thank you wouldn't even suffice. I found my love for writing, music, made so many friends, I found myself, and found comfort in these five boys whenever I needed it. 

All I want for these boys is to be happy and live their life to the fullest and I hope that one day we can return everything they have given us, all the happiness they come with.

This is my second year in the fandom and my life has changed so much because of them and I couldn't be more grateful because I know that without them, I wouldn't be here.

So to Louis, Liam, Harry, Niall, and Zayn thank you for lighting up all of our lives.

And now to wrap it up I hope you enjoy this chapter and the ones to come, *whispers you might get smut in a few chapters* but you didn't hear that from me.

Anyways thank you for reading so please vote and comment if you can, love you all!

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