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After their promises the two cuddled up under Louis' sheets, fully content, in each others arms. They were both scared, scared of the future, but it's okay, they had each other.

When Louis wakes up in the morning, he has a smile on his face. Curly hair splattered all over his face and pillow, features soft, void of any tension. He wraps his arms around the boy, and kisses his temple.

"Good morning love." He whispers, knowing full well he can't hear him. He keeps on pressing tiny kisses wherever until the boy starts to wake up, green eyes swallowing Louis' heart.

"Hi." A gravelly voice whispers, he wraps his right arm around Louis and tucks his face into the boy's neck. Louis simply closes his eyes and relishes the moment, a time when they can be who they want to be, a moment alone.

They have school today, along with their date. Louis hasn't even gotten the things for it. He starts to drift off thinking about everything he needs but his thoughts are broken when he feels a kiss being placed on his lips. He looks down at Harry to see a pout on his lips.

"I'm right here and yet you're thinking of something else." He huffs making Louis laugh. "I was just thinking of our date love." He whispers, pressing a loving kiss on the boy's lips.


They both get dressed after showering, Louis goes into the girls bedroom to wake them up, their father still in his room.

"Rise and shine cupcakes!" He exclaims, being in a very happy mood. The twins wake up almost instantly, seeming to have forgotten the incident from last night. They get their daily hug and kiss before getting out of bed, Louis gets them ready.

He comes out of their room and into his own, seeing Harry on his phone, thankfully Louis had a spare charger for him. He has a pained look on his face.

"What's wrong with love?" Louis asks, sitting next to him, the boy jumps. Harry quickly shakes his head, putting on a smile and stuffing his phone into his pocket.

"Nothing, how are the girls?" He asks, trying to get Louis' attention somewhere else, but the boy wouldn't budge.

"Harry, what happened." He closes his door and puts his hands on Harry's shoulders.

"Louis it's nothing I promise-"

"And I know that you're lying. Look, it's totally fine if you dont wanna talk about it, but don't tell me anything wrong when I can clearly see it." He explains softly, making Harry let out a shaky breath.

"You're right, I'm sorry it's just my dad. He um, he texted me." He looks down, his shoes shuffling on the carpet of Louis' room. The blue eyed boy takes his hands and rises then to Harry's neck, making the green eyes look directly into his.

"What did he say?" Harry shakes his head.

"Please I just- I don't want to talk right now." He whispers, when he feels tears forming in his eyes he stuffs his face in Louis' neck.

"That's fine H, just know I'm always here alright?" When Harry nods and takes his head out of Louis' shoulder, wiping his eyes.

"Take a minute okay? I'll be downstairs with the twins, we need to leave soon." With that he leaves after giving him a simple kiss on the cheek.


When we get to school me and Harry part ways since he has to go to a teacher for some missing work. I head over to my locker, being greeted by our friends.

"Hey lads." I call out, they look up and greet me as well.

"Hey mate can you take some notes for Macy's class? I have an appointment." Liam asks. I open my locker and get out my books.

I Was Born Sick But I Love ItWhere stories live. Discover now