More than anyone in this world

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Aiden POV.

When the fact that Sam is alright and awake rings in my ears, my body's first reaction is to close my eyes and let out a sigh of relief, all that tension and fear melting away from my body.

"He'll be okay right?" I ask Nurse Macy, she was very kind to me even when my body was so in shock I could barely form words.

"He is and will be alright. Though he cracked a rib from what I assume was kicking because of the bruises... Do you think you're ready to tell us what happened?" aI quickly shake me head no, deciding it was a bad idea when I got dizzy.

"No, please don't make me do that." I whisper, I don't ever want to remember this night. And I mean ever.

All the nurse gives in return is a warm smile accompanied with worried eyes.

"That's alright Aiden, if you feel like you're ready don't hesitate to speak out if you would like to press charges." She explains.

"No, I don't wanna press charges and I'm sure Sam doesn't either...can I please see him?" I ask nicely, Harry, Louis and coach are still in the room, Harry and Louis sitting on the small couch the room has, talking amongst themselves. I can see the desperation they both have to get closer to one another, I would know, I've had that desperation before.

"Of course love, I'll bring out a wheelchair alright? Is that alright sir?" She turns to coach who smiles and nods.

"Perfect, thank you." With the confirmation the nurse walks out, leaving coach, Louis, Harry and I.

"Harry and Lou you guys can leave if you'd like, visiting hours are almost over. Would you like a ride?" The two look up from their chatter and decide what to do, looking at each other for confirmation before nodding

"That's okay Coach, we'll just walk." Harry answer.

"You'll be okay right?" Louis asks, getting up, I nod.

"Don't worry about me. And thank you so much for helping me in front of your friends." My voice gets a little shaky near the end, occurrences of tonight flooding my head, I'm caught out of my daze when Harry places a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. We'll see you tomorrow alright? Me and Lou'll come back." He looks over to his boyfriend who smiles and nods, their gazes lingering for a bit before looking away.

"Alright then we should um go. We still have to talk to the boys, they've been calling and texting like crazy." He looks down at his phone for emphasis, and by just one glance at it I can see the flood of calls and messages.

"Thank you for helping us coach-"

"Like I said boys, I'm here to always help, no need to thank me." He smiles warmly and stands up and opens his arms simultaneously. They both walk into them and grip the man in a hug.

"Alright, get outta here before someone kicks you out." Coach snickers, the boys roll their eyes and leave after saying a short bye to me.

When they're both gone coach turns to me.

"How are you feeling?" He sits in a chair next to me and I shrug.

"A little better...nothings really hurting that much anymore but I think that's just the painkillers talking." I will explain slowly. He stays quiet for a moment, though I can tell he's in deep thought.

"How long have you two been together?" He asks, just the thought of Sam brings a smile to my face.

"Um since eighth grade actually, we met at this grocery store mom asked me if I wanted to come along and god it was the best decision ever." I smile remembering the story of our meeting.

"Mum had told me to go get some milk so I walked over and I saw him there. God he was beautiful." I rambled on, not noticing the smile the adoration coach carried. "I just stood there like an idiot until he saw me as well, I never asked what he was thinking when he first saw me but he like kept...staring at me." My cheeks had gone pink at this point.

"I um, the milk carton was on the top shelf and you know I'm not that tall, I was very short back then and um, I was having trouble getting it. THen I felt something behind me on my back and I a tiny graze of a hand on my hip. Just one little touch made my breath hitch." I chuckle and when I look up at James and see the look on his face, my cheeks become redder.

"I knew it was him and he gave me the carton. When I turned around he had already stepped back. I said Hi and obviously I stuttered cause I was so nervous, I didn't even know what was happening to me." I giggled.

"We started talking and hanging out, got really close and one night during a sleepover he kissed me. It all kinda started from there I guess." I look up and see the coach smiling and I return it, somehow just talking about my lover made me feel so much better.

"I can tell how much you love him."

"More than anyone in this world." 


A/N: Thoughts?

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