I can't do this.

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Harry POV

"Harry? Come on love wake up." I hear an angelic voice say, along with a shake, "Louis?" I hear a hum, "Yes love it's me, you gotta wake up for school." I feel him pressed to my backside so I turn over and cuddle into his chest cause he's warm.

"Don't wanna." I murmur, I hear a chuckle along with a hand rubbing my back and a kiss to my forehead, my heart flutters. "Five more minutes okay?" I nod and cuddle deeper into him.


"Babe I've given you 15 minutes now you have to get up." I opened my eyes slowly to see icy blue ones right into mine, he almost took my breath away. He's pretty, "Hm?" My eyes instantly open wider and I see a smirk on his face, I sigh, "I said that out loud didn't i." My cheeks go pink when I hear a chuckle, "Yes you did. Now get up" I whine but get up nonetheless, "I mean I didn't lie." I shrug, I see him bite his lip to hide a smile.

I go into the bathroom and do my business while taking a quick shower. I wrap a towel around myself and go into the room while toweling my hair. "Jesus do you work out?" Louis comes forward completely mesmerized with my damp chest and I blush, not used to any attention at all.

"How can you be so hot and adorable at the same time?" I see him smile, "Fuck off your making me blush even more." I grumble faking anger, he rolls his eyes and comes closer slowly, I raise one eyebrow asking what he's doing, he cups my cheeks and leans in, I close my eyes waiting for his lips on mine but instead hear a loud band, "Loulou! Were ready!" He groans silently and I snort.

"Some other time Tomlinson." I smirk and he flips me off before shooting me into the bathroom to get dressed. I grab the shirt he lent me and my own skinnies and get dressed while he minds the twins.


I really like him.

For the first time, i'm not scared about it.

Well, maybe a little.


I finish texting Louis that I'm headed off but he comes in, "Harry wait!" I turn around, "Yeah" He comes to me, "Um do you have a ride?" I shake my head, "No I usually use the local bus." He furrowed his eyebrows, "Maybe ride with us?"

"But your sister-" He shakes his head, "I'll tell them not to say anything, they listen to everything I say." I think for a moment, "I have to get my stuff for school, it's at home." He shrugs, "I'll drop you off to pick it up, I have to drop the girls at daycare anyways." I sigh, "You're not gonna give me a choice are you?" He smiles innocently and shakes his head, "Nope! Now come on curly." He grabs my arm and leads me into the other room.

"Hey girls, this is Harry my friend, he's gonna be coming to school with us okay?" They smile and wave at me, "Okay Lou! Hi! My name is Olivia but you can call me Liv and this is Victoria but you can call her Vicci!" I come forward and kneel down to them, "Hi girls, I'm Harry."

"Alright girls make sure you have everything okay we will leave in 5." They say an 'okay' and me and Louis get to our room.

We get to the hotel's first floor and sign out, we buckle up in our car and drive off, singing songs that come on the radio. He drops me off first so I say bye to the girls and run inside. When I do I pray that I don't see my dad but luck is not on my side when I bump into him.

"Where have you been?" He asks, I grimace at the smell of liquor on his breath, "I-I was at a friend's house." He raises an eyebrow, "A boys house?" My breath gets less but I try to calm myself, "Y-yes, but I-I promise I'm not into that anymore o-okay? I-I don't like guys I like girls." He nods approvingly, "Good, I'm glad you changed yourself for the better, what you said before as absolutely disgusting, if I ever find you with a guy in that position I-"

 "You won't. I-I promise to my life you will never see me like that." I feel tears brimming my eyes at my own words so I put my head down so he doesn't see. He pats my shoulder, really fucking hard might I add, "Alright son, get to school."

And with that he leaves. I get into my room and lock the door, letting my tears fall down. Shit what am I doing, do I not remember what happened last time? I wipe my tears and text Louis to not come pick me up and to not talk to me again.

I can't do this again.


A/N: Hello loves. I have a fever and a soar throat. Lovely. I almost forgot to update but I randomly remembered its Saturday today so here we are. 

How are we feeling about the change in Pov? What do you think happened with Harry and his dad? You will know in a few of chapters, till then I hope you liked this one.


What has been happening absolutely disgust me. If you cannot tell the difference from a taser and a gun after years in the police you should not be aloud to carry either. 

Rest in Peace Daunte Wright, you did not deserve what happened to you.

Please if you can sign petitions, donate, even spreading information will help. We need to stop this.

I will see you all on Wednesday, and remember TPWK.

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