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"Harry Styles, will you be my boyfriend?" He looks up with those green eyes that capture me whenever their in sight and smiles nodding fast.

"Y-yes I will be your boyfriend! Im your boyfriend!" He squeals and I laugh pulling him close, kissing his nose.

"Yes you are. My boyfriend." I whisper and honestly everything has just fit perfectly tonight, like a tidy box. I bring him back to the blanket and pull my laptop out of the bag. I sit down first, putting my weight back onto a tree trunk, using a pillow for support.

I take Harry's hand once i'm settled and pull him down on my lap, making him yelp at the sudden force. I chuckle but continue to sit him down on my thighs, facing sideways a bit but I wrap an arm around him. He sighs in content and rests his head on my shoulder as I open my laptop.

"What do you wanna see love?" He thinks for a moment before whispering.


I can tell he's a bit embarrassed so I kiss his cheek and open Netflix. I type in bambi and it comes up. I click the movie and put it in full screen. I take another blanket I brought along and settle it in our laps, he cuddles into it as the movie starts to play.

We watch the movie in silence, sometimes he kisses my chest or cuddles in further, this is all I want in life. My boyfriend in my lap, cuddled up watching a movie. It's amazing how quickly our lives can change with just one person.

All I wanted before was to get out of this place, to run away and just live my life like I want to. Then Harry came, he was like the light at the end of a tunnel, or rain in a hot summer. He makes everything better.

His curls, his face, his dimples, his beautiful body thats been abused my his father, his eyes, god those breathtaking eyes. Everything inside in out, it's beautiful. His heart has endured so much pain for being who he his, all I want is to take that hurt and turn it into love, turn it to something thats as beautiful as Harry.

As I graze his features I decide to never let go, at least not until he wants me to.

As I'm surrounded in my head by these thoughts, I feel Harry shaking. I look down at him and see tears streaming down his cheeks. Looking at the movie, it's the scene where Bambi loses his mother.

I'm guessing he notices my gazes and whispers.

"Please don't laugh at me, I always cry when I see this scene." I shake my head and wipe his tears with my fingers, kissing his head.

"I won't." He continues to silently cry while I keep on giving him tiny kisses, he finally calms down after about ten minutes, tiny tears still pooling his eyes but any cries now forgotten.

We watch the movie till the end, it's now about twelve.

"I don't wanna go but I have to." He pouts and I give him a kiss.

"Don't worry, we'll have another date soon alright? I promise." He smiles at that and hugs me. We stay there for about ten more minutes, cuddling and talking until we absolutely have to get up. I pack up my things into the bag and let him hold his teddy bear, it's about half the size of him.

We hold hands while walking through the tress in silence until we are brought to the the park. We have to let go in case someone sees. We walk to my car and put everything into the trunk except his teddy that he never let go of.

I sit in the drivers seat with him next to me and turn on the radio, t softly plays some tunes. I place my hand on the console palm up and Harry get's the hint, he interlaces our fingers with a smile.

"Do you think we'll last?" Harry whispers, not wanting to break the comforting blanket of silence around us. I didnt answer right away, I wasnt sure. Between being in a secret relationship, the dangers if we are caught are unthinkable. One slip up, and everything goes to hell, one slip up, and we can be taken away from eachother.

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