"I'll Look After You."

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A/N: So first of all so sorry for making this late and also I wrote this listening to 'Look After You' By The Fray so yeah if you want to listen to it while reading you might get the same feeling I got while writing this. Also this is purely smut  except for like the last paragraph I would suggest reading it cause it kinda has to do with the plot but anyways I'll shut up now, hope you like it.

As the words flow out of Harry's mouth Louis smiles, He looks down towards Harry's torso and notices his hand lying there. Sliding his own hand down he locks it with the boy's, they both smile down at it, they know whats about to happen, an unbreakable bond they are going to make. And somehow, none of them seem to be nervous.

Louis looks back into Harry's jade eyes, and remembers the night they met, the intense gazes they shared, so intense that even when they had different partners it was like the bond had already been made, and it was a matter of time before pursued.

"Ill look after you, I promise i will I love you so much." Louis whispers in a loving voice.

Harry's sigh is shaky as he releases it, "I know you will. I love you so much. I trust you with everything."

They seal the words with a kiss, one filled with such passion it burns through their bodies.

Louis tugs at Harry's shirt and the boy gets the message, he leans up and kisses Louis with a peck before tugging it off.

"Yours to babe." Harry says and Louis chuckles in the darkness. He moves to his knees and tugs the shirt off.

They both decide to undress with only their underwear left, the passion and intensity of the moment showing through their pupils and breath. The utter need to be close to each other and never leave fills their bodies like a warm liquid.

As they kiss their hands roam each others bodies, the skin shifting from warm to cold depending on the place.

"Wait." Louis whispers, Harry looks up with a confused face but understands when his boyfriend tugs the sheet under them.

Louis wraps it around both of them, it makes the atmosphere even more intimate than before, so loving and caring.

"I love you, remember that okay?" Louis mentions, never wanting Harry to have a single doubt in his mind how fallen he is for the boy.

"I know you do. Cause I can feel it, I feel it right here." He takes their shared hands and places on his fast beating heart, it makes Louis smile, cause he did that.

Louis brings his face to Harry's neck and kisses the skin their, biting it at times making his lover moan.

Ther desperation for one another is showing through their boxers, and Louis takes the liberty of freeing Harry of his and his own.

Once their both bare, they become closer if possible and Louis takes Harry into his hand, stroking him slowly, Harry's back arches as he moans from the first touch he's gotten today.

Louis slides his hand to his bag and takes the condom and lube out of his front pocket. Since he started dating Harry he's always carried some.

"Im gonna open you up okay?" Louis whispers as he takes his hand off of Harry.

Harry answers with a short 'okay'. His eyes are closed and he looks gorgeous under the faint light from the moon thats flooding through the window.

He lathers his fingers and moves towards Harry's bottom, slowly pushing a finger in, when Harry's breath hitches and eyebrows furror in small discomfort Louis stops to make sure he;s alright, he only continues when Harry gives him the okay.

Slowly working one finger in Harry becomes more comfortable with the feeling and thats when Louis starts to slide in his other.

He gets the same reaction as before, but Harry gives him the okay a little faster. As he moves his fingers Harry starts to enjoy it, squirming and whimpering everytime Louis works his fingers.

"Shit Lou." He whines, Louis kisses the corner of his mouth.

"You ready love?" He keeps going ith his fingers and it makes it hard for Harry to give him an answer, it makes Louis chuckle.

Harry ends up answering with a nod and Louis takes his fingers out, Harry whines for a second and Louis laughs a little and kisses all over Harry's face to distract him.

He takes the condom and puts it on, caoting himself with the lube. He leans over Harry once more and nudges Harry's entrance as he slowly slides in, taking a break to let Harry breathe.

He kisses Harry's nose. "You okay?" He asks the boy.

"Yeah I-Im fine,just need a second." Harry takes some breaths as he gets used to the feeling and Louis holds his hand again to let him know its okay.

"Move." Harry sighs out, Louis kisses Harry's lips, pecking and sucking them as he starts to slowly move.

He distracts Harry from any pain as he kisses the boy with reassurance and love.

"I-I love you." Harry tells him once more, looking into Louis' eyes.

"I love you to my darling." Louis answers as he moves back and forth and emits moans from Harry and himself.

Louis works his body while kissing at any spot he can reach and it takes a few more thrusts until they both know they are close to reaching their high.

"Louis." Harry uses the name to announce it and the boy nods.

"Me to H." Harry buries his own face into Louis' neck, moaning and whispering into it.

"Fuck." It's all Harry says before he finishes, Louis follows right after.

They stay there for a few seconds, catching their breath. When Louis knows it's time to pull out he pecks Harry's temple as he slowly moves out, hoping he doesnt hurt Harry but seems doubtful when the boy under him winces.

He lands beside Harry and immediately opens his arms, letting Harry scurry into them. He kisses the curls in front of his face and rubs Harry's most likely tired body. Louis pulls the covers over them and wraps it around them and Harry immediately latches onto the warmth coming from Louis and the sheets.

"I love you." Louis reminds him, he can't even count how many times they've said it today but somehow the words mean more to him every time they flow out of his mouth.

The words make Harry smile and look up, placing a hand on Louis' cheek and kissing him.

"I love you too."

They spent the night with content smiles and loved-up minds. Somehow they thought that everything would be okay, maybe that was their biggest mistake, because the future held something entirely different.


A/N: Again I am so sorry for making this late I dont even know what happened I just totally forgot it was saturday and I've just been stressed about some things so please forgive me. And yes I did write this while listening to the song and I hope I kinda made it sweet but not like cliche sweet? Idk let me know how it was.

I hope the smut was alright I dont have much experience writing it so I hope it was okay. And also the main plot will probably be starting soon, I mean this fic is up to 29 chapters so it's about time, but still it will take time to like bring it in the story without it being so sudden but im just telling yall that its coming. Anyways hope you liked the chapter and I love you all <3

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