十二 ;

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-ˋˏ hide and seek ˎˊ-▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

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-ˋˏ hide and seek ˎˊ-

"uppermoon six, daki and gyutaro. they're siblings, the real problem is the brother, the sister... eh, if i'm being honest, she isn't that strong... but she'll probably get in the way so, it'd be best to get rid of her..." kurai explained, "but then again, they'll only die if you cut both of their heads off at the same time so..."

"ugh, what the hell..." you mumbled, hiding your face in your hands.

you and kurai were seated on the roof of the house you have been staying at. the moon had appeared, allowing kurai to come out.

"so where's the brother?" you asked, feeling tired already. "no idea, i think daki has control over him, like... i guess they share the same body..? and can like- split if they want to?" kurai frowned then shrugged. "honestly, i don't know, i don't hang around them that much. i'm usually with uppermoon one to five."

"oh and yes, the brother's weapon contains poison so-"

"it's okay, poison doesn't work on me. i should be fine," you added, pushing yourself up. "that's all, right?"

"yeah, pretty much," kurai replied, "be careful though, i won't be able to help you out this time. i don't want that man to find out i'm working with demon slayers."

"yeah i know, thanks though," you brought your arms above your head, stretching your sore muscles. "good luck, don't die!" kurai gave you a thumbs up. "yeah, i know..." you rolled your eyes, waving him off. the two of you went your separate ways, you going to hunt down daki, while he goes around to try to find the demon's hide out.

 the two of you went your separate ways, you going to hunt down daki, while he goes around to try to find the demon's hide out

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"as pay back for before, i'll now cut your head off-" daki stopped talking, widening her eyes as darkness envoloped her. in that split second, you had managed to grab a hold of tanjiro, bringing him away from daki.

the upper moon wasted no time, using her sashes to disperse the cloud of black smoke that blocked her vision.

you felt kurai's presence next to you, although you couldn't see him, you could feel him there. "she reacted faster than i thought, that's not good..." you heard him say from beside you.

"no, it's good enough. even if it only lasts for a second," you answered, glancing down to make sure tanjiro was doing okay.

"you... demon slayers are just a bunch of worthless brats..!" daki growled out, glaring at you. "especially you," she bared her fangs, "i should have killed you that time."

"yeah, you should have," you retorted, standing in front of tanjiro. "don't worry, i'll look out for him, just focus on daki," kurai reassured you.

you sped towards the demon, watching as one of her sashes came out to cut you off. dodging it, you went being her, your blade going half way through her neck before she moved aside. her neck regenerated in a blink of an eye, "too slow."

ignoring her comment, you went straight at her again, this time all of her sashes shooting out to stop you.

breath of flames, fourth form. blooming flame undulation.

you easily got rid of all of them at once, getting closer to the upper moon-

breath of flames, first form. unknowing fire.

you ran towards her with incredible speed, making sure your blade cuts through her neck this time. you immediately turn around, noticing how she caught her decapitated head, sticking it back onto her neck.

well you should have seen that coming. kurai did warn you about having to cut both heads off.

breath of flames, second form. rising scorching sun.

swinging your blade upwards, you sliced both of her hands off. as they started regenerating, you used the same technique, aiming for her neck this time. but her sashes got in the way. "tsk," you jumped away from her, putting a safe distance between the both of you.

"how dare you... how dare you cut my head off like that! you low life!" she yelled, veins protruding on her forehead out of pure irritation. "you think i'll let something like you kill me? i'm gonna-"

before she could finish her sentence, a strong force hit her, smashing her head into pieces. the upper moon stumbled away as her head regenerated.

"that's it, you've done it now. you... oh. you. it's you..!" half of her face had regenerated by now, "you're the one that man was talking about."

you notice nezuko standing opposite you, an angered look on her face. you let out a relieved sigh, glad that she was okay. as of now, daki's attention immediately shifted to the demon in front of her. saying something about that man wanting her dead.

while the two demons started fighting each other, a thought crossed your mind. where was uzui and the rest? are they okay? you ran back to where tanjiro was, noticing how he was still coughing up blood. "tanjiro, can you stand?"

"y-yes," he winced, forcing himself up. "[y/n]- there's another demon here... i heard-"

"no its okay, he's a friend of mine!" you quickly explained, not wanting to worry the boy any further.

"ah... i see," he coughed out, hunching over. "nezuko..."

you look over to where nezuko was. your eyes widen at the sight of her stomping on a puddle of blood, you assume was daki's severed head. "... uhm, she's fine but- well actually she doesn't look too good to me," you rephrased your sentence after noticing how different her appearance was from before.

"ah... definitely not okay..! tanjiro go stop her right now!" you pointed out to him, nezuko had noticed a woman with a bleeding arm and it looks like she was going after her. she's lost it.

without another word, tanjiro hurried over, "nezuko!" he brought his sword in front of his sister, blocking her mouth with it. "nezuko please! snap out of it!"

talk about bad timing. while tanjiro was trying to get nezuko under control, daki was beyond angry. standing up, she muttered under her breath, "you've... really done it... now..."

next chapter :sound pillar, uzui tengen▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

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next chapter :
sound pillar, uzui tengen

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