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-ˋˏ nostalgia ˎˊ-▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

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-ˋˏ nostalgia ˎˊ-

𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀 :
— the continuation of chapter twenty one. akaza brought you to the festival to take your mind off things.

wc : 725 ˎˊ-

𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 :
none. just fluff ᵕ̈


akaza didn't like being in crowded places, but seeing how happy you were at that time, he went along with it.

the street was packed with strangers, their loud voices mixing in with the background. the demon made sure he had your hand in his grasp, loving how your soft, warm hands felt in his cold ones as he allowed you to drag him around.

the way your face brightens up at the taste of all the new snacks you were purchasing, helped lightened his mood.

"hey akaza, do you like fireworks?" you asked, walking next to him.

"i enjoy watching them i guess," he replied, looking down at you, "why?"

"there's going to be fireworks later," you explained, absentmindedly swinging your interlocked hands back and forth. "wanna go see them?"

a warm feeling formed in his chest as a small smile formed on his face, "yeah, sure."

after finishing your takoyaki, you threw the empty plate away and made your way to where the fireworks were going to be.

much to akaza's dismay, it was much more crowded there.

"man, people really like fireworks huh?" you muttered, you push yourself up a little, placing a hand on akaza's shoulder to see pass the crowd.

"let's go somewhere else."

you gave him a questioning look, but followed him nonetheless. the demon had lead you to a quieter area with lesser people. "why here?" you asked, looking around the empty place.

"you trust me right?" akaza questioned.

"yeah, why?"

not a second after you answered him, strong arms wrapped themselves around your smaller frame, lifting you up, bridal style. akaza could see the panic in your expression, "don't worry, i'm not gonna drop you or anything," he assured you. he tightened his grip around you, the arm supporting your back pulling you closer to his body.

you knew he was fast, but you still weren't ready. you felt your heart drop when he jumped up and onto a random roof. you instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck, hiding your face in his chest, not daring to look down.

he was fast, jumping from buildings to buildings. the air around you blowing pass your frames. after a while, you notice him slowing down.

"hey, you're not afraid of heights. right?"

"uh. depends on how high it is..." you muttered.

"okay, this should be fine for you," you felt him lowering you back down.

"oh woah..!" you let out a surprised gasp, taking in your surroundings. disregarding the fact that you were on top of a ten story high house.

well even if you knew how high up you were, it didn't matter. you felt safe, with akaza's arms wrapped securely around your waist as you sat between his legs. "how the hell did you even get up here while carrying me?"

"you would know if you opened your eyes," he simply replied.

"but i had them close-"

"too bad."

"geez okay," you rolled your eyes, even though he couldn't see it.

and before you knew it, the fireworks had started. it was a great view especially being so high up, it was so much better than standing down there with a crowd.

not to mention, it was comfortable here. you're able to lay back against akaza's chest, placing your hands in his as his arms held you in place.

the feeling was so similar. just like a few months back, when you went to see the fireworks with kurai and akaza. though back then, you weren't focusing much on the fireworks, mostly keeping your gaze on the upper moon demon next to you.

this time, with the bright colours right in front of you, you had your full attention on it. akaza on the other hand was quietly admiring your soft features. paying no mind to the loud explosions that were now background sounds to him.

what was this warm, familiar feeling in his chest. it felt so nostalgic. pushing those thoughts to the back of his mind, he rest his chin on your head. watching the fireworks with you, while also enjoying the feeling of having you in his arms.

something he could get used to.


next chapter :
ume ( daki )


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