三十 ;

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-ˋˏ it's okay ˎˊ-▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

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-ˋˏ it's okay ˎˊ-

you didn't know how long it has been. but you've been staring at the plane ceiling, wondering if you really should be alive right now. you don't know where you are, from the moment you woke up, you've just been staring into blank space.

your body felt so much better, so you assumed douma had healed your wounds. and you were probably in the infinity fortress, in one of the many rooms.

you let out yet another sigh. you were just so tired.

"[y/n]-chan~ if you don't wake up, we're just going to assume you're dead-" douma stopped talking when he saw you standing in front of the bed, giving him a blank stare.

"holy shit! guys she's awake!" he ran towards you, arms outstretched, pulling you into a hug. "douma i swear to god you better not be joking this time, or i'm gonna actually bash your head into the damn wall," akaza came walking into the room with a scowl on his face, which soon softened when he realised that you were actually awake.

"what?" you raised a brow at the both of them.

"god, [y/n] you've been knocked out for like three whole days!" douma cried out, tears slowly streaming down his face.

"eh... three days only..?" you mumbled out, looking up at the ceiling.

"what do you mean only. three days is long enough," akaza stated, walking over to you. "are you feeling better though?"

"... kurai died." you muttered out, keeping your gaze on the ceiling.

"we know, but-"

"... i let him die."

"ah, you're talking about the sad things again..." douma sighed.

you kept your head up to prevent the tears from spilling out of your glossy eyes.

you hear akaza letting out a sigh, "douma let's go, give her some time alone," he stated. "oh... okay... feel better soon [y/n]." you hear the door clicking shut, leaving you alone in the room.

you sat yourself down onto the soft bed, resting your hands on your knees.

"it... really wasn't your... fault..."

you lift your head up when you feel the mattress dipping down next to you. "how would you know that," you said, staring at the upper moon next to you.

"did... he tell you..?"

"tell me what?"

"... why he became friends... with you."

you raised your brow at his statement. now that you think about it, you never really wondered why kurai befriended you.

"i don't really think about it... why? is it something important?" you asked.

"you reminded him... of himself back when he was a... human..."

oh, thats right. you never got a chance to ask kurai how or why he became a demon. and even though you once hinted about it in one of your conversations, he laughed it off saying it wasn't important.

"ah, being a human got a little boring. thought it would be fun to become a demon you know?" was the same excuse he would use everytime.

"did you know him back then?"

"i was the one... who turned him into a demon..."

"eh? why?"

staying silent for a few moments, the upper moon one seemed to be in thought.

"kurai... hitari kurai..." kokushibo spoke, "when he was a human... he was known as the shadow pillar... he was like you... he had a demon friend who went by the name 'reia'... but the higher ups didn't allow it... and so they lied to him... to get him away from the girl... only for him to come back... to find her dead..." the demon explained.

"he was upset... because he couldn't protect her... and he went ahead to kill the former ubuyashiki... and after that... he came to find me... begging me to turn him into a demon... and i did."

"don't blame yourself... kurai wouldn't want... that... if anything... he's probably glad that he managed... to protect you this time..."

after explaining everything, you stayed silent to process what he just said. kurai used to be a pillar? and was friends with a demon? and the demon slayer corps killed his friend... that explained a lot.

"kokushibo-san, thank you for telling me. i- i really appreciate it," you muttered out, feeling guilty for not helping him out earlier.

"it's... okay..."

your eyes widen slightly when you felt his large hand resting on top of your head, giving you a soft pat before pulling away. you raised a brow up at his actions, giving him a side glance.

"i'll... go now..." kokushibo stated. he noticed how you've gone quiet again, as if you were deep in thought. standing up, he made his way to the door to leave you alone.

"i'll do it."

he stopped his movements at the sound of your voice, "do... what?" he asked, turning around to face you again. you took a deep breath in before sighing.

"i'll... i'll tell you everything i know about the pillars and ubuyashiki."

next chapter :chaos▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

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