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Chapter Ten Beyoncé's POV

I was awaken by two bodies jumping on my bed.

"Mommy wake up!" Camden shouted.

"It's Chwistmas!" Camryn interjected.

I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the light, and greeted my two children.

"Good morning babies. Merry Christmas!"

"Mommy I went downstairs and our cookies are gone. That means Santa ate them!" She stated excitedly.

Late last night I finished wrapping and labeling their presents while eating the sugar cookies that we had previously made for Santa. If I do say so myself, those cookies were pretty damn good. I also had to redecorate the tree because these two decided to eat all the damn candy canes, and also managed to knock down the ornaments as well.

Anyways after mentioning Santa Cam screamed "PRESENTS" and they both sprinted downstairs towards the tree pulling out any gift in sight.

"WAIT! Cammie the red gifts are yours and the green gifts are yours Cam."

The next thing I know wrapping paper was all over my living room.

"New Jordan's!" "Uggs!" They both shouted simultaneously.

They are the only children that I know who get excited to receive clothing rather than toys on Christmas. What can I say? My kids take pride in their appearance. They continued opening their presents and I couldn't help but to smile at their facial expressions as they opened each and every present.

"Those gifts were from mommy. Do you want to see what Santa got for you guys?" I questioned.

"YES!" They screamed.

I guided them upstairs to their playroom (my home office which they continue to add their toys to) and when I opened the door out ran a golden retriever puppy.

"A puppy!"

Camryn immediately picked up the dog while Cam simply petted its head. The both of them having been begging me to get them a puppy, and I finally caved in.

After opening their presents, and eating breakfast I got the kids dressed in their Christmas outfits and took them down to Times Square to show them the Christmas tree that Shawn had recently showed me. There was a good amount of people there, but it wasn't as crowded as usual.

"Mommy the tree is so pretty." Camryn stated in awe.

She looked just as shocked as I was the first time that I saw it.

"Our tree at home is better." Cam rebutted.

"No! Our tree doesn't look like this."

"I like ours better cuz we did it togever." Cam announced.

"I like ours a lot because we decorated it together too. But don't you think this one is beautiful?" I questioned while bending down to his level.

He simply shrugged and changed the subject.

"Can we go to gwandma's house now? I'm cold."

"Yeah let's go."

Christmas dinner at my mom's house went extremely well. This was Richard's (Tina's boyfriend) first Christmas with us, and he already seemed to fit in with the family. Over the past year he's played the father role more than my biological father. My kids consider both Richard and Matthew as their grandad, but to be completely honest I prefer Richard.

The guys sat around watching basketball, while the women besides me assisted in cooking. Let's just say my momma can throw down in the kitchen unlike me who cannot cook to save my life. She glazed the ham, finished the macaroni and cheese, made mashed potatoes, and finished getting the deserts ready. Kelly and Solange both cut vegetables. Angie loaded the dishwasher, and I set the dinner table.

Dinner was filled with joy and laughter. Camryn and Camden talked about their presents and their new puppy. I talked with my sisters and Angie, thankful that they didn't ask me questions about my recovery. It's a touchy subject for me, and I do not like to talk about it. The guys were just being guys.

Towards the end of the night I received a text message from Shawn.

Received: Merry Christmas

Sent: Merry Christmas Shawn

He didn't bother responding, but I didn't mind. All in all I had a great Christmas, and enjoyed the quality family time.

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