Court Date

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Chapter Five Shawn's POV

I noticed a miraculous change in Beyoncé over these past twelve days. Her blood pressure and stress levels have greatly decreased, and we were able to move her out of the physciatric ward after evaluation. We have monitored her extremely closely, and Beyoncé has shown no signs of depression or self harm. I'm confident that today Beyoncé will be granted custody of her children, but if she relapses once more the children will be taken away from her forever.

Snapping me out of my thoughts I was called to testify as a witness on Beyoncé's half. The court session has already been occurring for over an hour and now it's my turn to speak.

"Dr. Shawn Carter do you really believe that the defendant Beyoncé Knowles is a suitable mother to raise two developing children?" The judge questioned.


"Please elaborate."

"For the past two weeks I have noticed an indescribable change in my patient. She was only allowed to see her children one time for these past two weeks, and the day of their visit her blood pressure greatly decreased." Before I could continue I was interrupted.


"Just because her blood pressure and stress levels greatly decreased during their visitation does not qualify Ms. Knowles as a suitable parent to these children." The prosecutor growled.

"I agree, but determining whether or not Ms. Knowles is a suitable or unsuitable parent shouldn't be limited to the fact that she tried to commit suicide. In fact each of her suicide attempts occurred when the children were not present. Ms. Knowles is not a harm or endangerment to those children, and therefore the children are safe under her custody. I mean isn't that what children's court is about. The protection and safety of the child."

The prosecutor and I argued back and forth for over an our until the judge decided that he had heard enough of both sides of the argument.

"After listening to both sides of the argument I have decided to grant the defendant, Ms. Knowles, custody of Camden and Camryn Ealy."

I looked over my shoulder at my former patient, and couldn't help but to the notice the large smile spreading across her face. For the first time in two whole weeks I saw her smile. Her smile reflected true joy and happiness. Just looking at her smile caused a small smile to creep upon my face.

"Ms.Knowles if another suicide attempt occurs I will be forced to take the children out of your custody again until you are proven a suitable parent. Understood?" The judge declared.

"Yes. Thank you so much." She responded.

With a nod of his head, and a bang of the gravel the court session was dismissed. Beyoncé ran over towards her family, and pulled her children into a warm hug. Her family followed her outside the court room, and I followed behind. As soon as I stepped foot out of the court room Beyoncé pulled me into her tight embrace.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." She mumbled into my chest.

Her touch sent an electrical current through my veins. The physical contact with her seemed to cloud my ability to speak.

"No problem." I mustered up.

I placed my hands on her shoulders causing her to look up at me. Her light brown orbs held my gaze.

"Beyoncé the next time I see you, I don't want it to be at the hospital."

"Ok." She replied with a firm nod.

I planted a soft kiss on her cheek before slowly walking away.

Beyoncé's POV

I was ecstatic at just the thought of having my children back. From now on I promise to focus solely on handling my responsibilities as a mother, and improving my relationship with them. I dedicated my entire day to them, not as an attempt to make it up to them but to show them how much I love them. I know that I'll never be able to explain to them my reasoning behind why I tried to commit suicide. Hell! I can't even explain it to myself.

They wanted to go to the park, and to Carvel's for ice cream so that's what we did. During my stay at the hospital I knew that I missed my kids, but now that I'm spending this time with them I now realize that I missed them so much more. I watched my children take turns sliding down the slide, and I couldn't help but smile. They ran over to me when they needed a push on the swings.

"Mommy push me." Camden yelled from the swings while Camryn came, and basically dragged me over.

I struggled to push the both of them simultaneously, but I managed. After climbing the monkey bars with my assistance of course, we left the park and headed to Carvel. Camden's order made me want to throw up.

"Can I get chocolate ice cweam, wif fudge and brownies and Oreos and chocolate chips, and chocolate sprinkles. Oh! And whipped cream with a cherry on top!" He ordered excitedly.

The employee looked at me for reassurance, and I simply nodded with a disgusted look on my face.

"Can I get swirly ice cream with fudge and caramel. And whipped cream and a cherry!" Camryn ordered.

"And I'll have a half a pint of butter pecan ice cream."

"Mommy why so plain?!" Camden questioned genuinely shocked as to why I didn't want fudge, Oreos, sprinkles, and all that other stuff on my ice cream.

"Because that's how I like it."

After answering his question I paid the lady, and we awaited our ice cream. The expression on Camden's when he saw his sundae made me laugh. He was so excited for some ice cream.

"God bless you." He emphasized as she handed him his ice cream.

I couldn't help but laugh. My kids are something else.

Despite my day devoted to my children I couldn't help but to think about Shawn. His words replayed in my mind over and over again. "The next time I see you I don't want it to be at the hospital." And then the kiss. I know that it was just a simple peck on the cheek, but to me it meant so much more. Every time I see him, I get butterflies in my stomach. His touch sends tingles throughout my body. Even though I know I shouldn't be thinking about him this way, I can't help it. Maybe it's because he demonstrates hope in me when nobody else does. Maybe it's because he saved me, four times. I don't know. There's just something about him.

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