Date Night (part 2)

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Chapter Nine Shawn's POV
Part 2

After a long car ride filled with chatter and laughter I felt as if I had gotten to know Beyoncé a lot more, but I could tell that she was still somewhat sheltered. It's as if she has built this wall up, and is afraid that it will get knocked down.

Anyways, we just took our seats after boarding the ferry. I'm taking her to see the Statue of Liberty.

"Shawn where are we going?"

"You'll see." I replied.

"Fine, but I'm freezing."

I couldn't help but to laugh at her as I took off my jacket placing it around her shoulders.

"No. Then you'll be cold." She argued.

"Beyoncé I'm fine. This sweater is really warm."

"If you say so."

After a whiles wait, the ship finally left the dock and headed towards our destination. Beyoncé wouldn't shut up the whole boat ride, not that I minded though. I loved to hear her voice, and displayed genuine interest in whatever she told me.

"I've always loved the water. It's relaxing. When I was little I would go to the beach, and just watch the waves crash onto the shore." She said while looking at the view of the water and the surrounding city.

"It's just so beautiful." She said in complete awe.

"Look." I pointed over to the Statue of Liberty.

Her mouth immediately dropped as she stood in complete shock. The boat pulled up as close as possible to give the passengers a closer look at the sight. I had seen the Statue of Liberty before numerous times, but it just felt different this time.

"I've always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty."

All I could do was smile. She's so simple, and down to earth. The simplest things make her the happiest. I could tell that she really liked history, and culture. One day I'll really show her around New York City.

After riding back to the shore, and exiting the ferry we both hurried back to my car in desperate need of heat. Once warmed up we were on our way to dinner.

"So did you have fun?" I questioned.

"Yeah. I loved it. I never new that the Statue of Liberty had such historical significance." She stated in response to what the tour guide had said on the ferry ride.

"Yeah. I remember the first time I went to see it with my mom."

She simply smiled at me. The rest of the ride was filled with a comfortable silence as the radio played lightly. We finally arrived at 42nd street (a.k.a Times Square) and parked the car after desperately searching for a parking spot. I stepped out of the car, opened the passenger door, and helped her out.

"Thank you."

"No problem." I replied.

Without letting go of her hand I walked her a couple blocks down towards this fancy restaurant. It wasn't too crowded but it wasn't empty either. The host guided us to a booth in the back. Beyoncé sat across from me as I just stared into her light brown eyes. She immediately blushed and looked away.

"So how long have you been living here in New York?"

"Umm... We moved up here when I was sixteen so, about ten years."

"And you have never seen the Statue of Liberty?!"

She shook her head no.

"To be honest I had no interest in living in New York City. I wanted to go back to Houston."

"Do you like it now?"

"It's alright. Nothing compared to the H-Town though." She chuckled.

Dinner continued with light conversation. I honestly enjoyed simply being in her presence. After dinner I had one last destination in mind. I grabbed her hand once again, and guided her down a few more blocks. I wanted her to see the Christmas Tree in Times Square. As she viewed the site ahead a smile immediately formed on her face. The Christmas lights glistened, and the ornaments complemented the tree perfectly. It had just started snowing a few minutes ago, adding to the beautiful scene.

"It's so beautiful." She stated in awe.

"I can't believe that you have never seen this before." I responded.

"Take a picture of me."

She handed me her phone and stood in front of the large tree. She smiled as I snapped a few pictures. An elderly lady who had brought her grandchildren along to see the tree offered to take our picture. For the first pose I just stood next to Beyoncé and smiled. On the next one we stood in front of each other smiling. On the last one she closed her eyes and stuck out her tongue pretending to catch snowflakes.

I set the picture of her catching snowflakes as her contact picture in my phone, and then we were on our way. To be honest I didn't really want the night to end, but she had to get home. I walked her to her apartment door.

"I had a great time. Thank you so much for showing me around."

"No problem."

We both stood there awkwardly for a moment before I slowly leaned in. Just as I was about to kiss her lips she turned her head giving me the cheek.

"Goodnight Beyoncé." I sighed in defeat.


All in all the night went extremely well. Beyoncé seemed genuinely happy. I just can't understand why she tried to commit suicide.

A/N: I feel like I always do Bey's POV so I tried to mix it up. Hope you guys liked it 😘 Writing Shawn's POV was so hard for me.

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