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Chapter Two Kelly's POV


I came to drop off her children, but instead I discovered my lifeless sister as she laid sprawled across the couch once again. Blood poured from the self inflicted wounds on her wrists all the way up to her forearms. My husband Tim quickly picked her up and rushed her to the hospital. I stayed at home and consoled her crying children. This is the fourth time that Beyoncé has tried to take away her own life, and she is ruining her children's lives by doing so. Child protective services are on the verge of taking Camryn and Camden away from her. I do not know what Beyoncé is going to do without them. They provide her with a little bit of happiness to keep her going. She needs them, and they need her. She has to do better for them.

I looked down at their large hazels orbs gazing back at me. Tears filled Camden's eyes, but Camryn refused to cry. She never does. She realizes the seriousness of the situation despite her young age. Camden just cries and longs for his mother. They are both strong, and lean on each other for support whenever they fail to receive it from their mother.

"We were able to perform the blood transfusion just in time. If she lost anymore blood this could have been extremely fatal. She's a survivor."

I nearly jumped into Shawn's arms. Shawn, Dr. Carter has operated on Beyoncé about three times. He is one of Tim's good friends, and one the highest rated doctors in the state of New York.

"Thank you so much Shawn."

"No problem. I just want to warn you that child procreative services are here."

"What can we do to ensure that her parental rights won't be suspended or taken away?" Mama Tina interjected.

"I'm not sure. Temporary custody will probably be given to a direct family member, or the children will be taken into custody of the state until a court date is given."

"Can the children remain under her custody until the court date?"

"It's not likely. But visitations can be arranged."

Tina's POV

Dr. Carter was right. My grandkids were placed under my custody until the court date which is in two weeks. Beyoncé is currently under the custody of the state, and is admitted to the hospital until the court date to determine whether or not she is stable enough to raise her two young children. I believe that a few lifestyle changes, and some therapy could change Beyoncé's life for the better, yet she refuses. It's as if she wants to be depressed about Michael. People sometimes pass away, but she fails to realize that life moves on. I'm afraid that one day she is going to succeed in taking away her own life without thinking of the consequences her children will have to face.

After kissing my daughter goodbye, I took my crying grandchildren back to my home. The stress and anxiety of the entire day put Camryn right to sleep. Camden on the other cried and cried. He's a momma'a boy, and I already know getting him to bed is going to be a struggle simply because he wants his mother. After changing him into a pair of pajamas, I cradled him in my arms. He kicked and screamed, and begged for his mother's presence. After two whole hours of hysterical crying, he finally tired himself out and drifted off into a deep sleep.

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