Dirty Laundry

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Chapter Twenty
Kelly's POV

I haven't heard from Beyoncé in nearly two weeks, and I'm beginning to get worried. I questioned if I had done something wrong that would cause her to be upset with me, but nothing came to mind. Assuming that Beyoncé is angry with me I instructed Solange to call her as well, but she received the same message that I did. "Hi. This is Beyoncé. Sorry I couldn't answer your call right. Please leave a message and I'll be sure to get back to you." Well she hasn't gotten back to me yet!

After having Angie, TyTy, Ashley, and Melina (all close family/family friends) call her, and receiving no answer my state of worry began to morph into a state of rage. The last time she called me was the night she nearly had a panic attack. I rushed to her aid leaving the comfort of my own home, my husband, and my son at three o'clock in the morning, and this is what I get in return. I just don't understand.

"Baby!" I heard, jolting me out of my deep thoughts.

I turned to see my husband, with Shawn strolling behind him.

"Hey babe." I said with not a hint of emotion in my voice.

Tim took a sleeping Titan out of my arms.

"Why the long face?" He questioned.

I couldn't help but to let out a sigh before ignoring his question, and greeting Shawn. After giving a response, he took a seat in the chair while Tim sat next to me on the couch. He kissed my forehead lightly before sparking the conversation once again.

"What's the matter?"

"Beyoncé." I admitted.

Shawn's eyes that had been locked on the television screen immediately gravitated towards mines at the mention of her name. His eyes expressed genuine concern. As I explained to Tim how she has not answered any phone calls for the last two weeks, I felt his eyes glued to me the entire time.

"Maybe she just needs some space." Tim suggested.

"But..." I started before Tim interrupted me with a peck on the lips.

"It's going to be okay. Have you tried going over there?"

"I'm scared." I admitted in a timid tone.

"I'll go with you." Shawn, who had yet to say a word, finally spoke up.

I gave him a look of skepticism for I hadn't known what details of Beyoncé's life she had shared with him.

Tim stated that that is the perfect idea, and volunteered to stay home with baby Titan. I know that on the inside he is just as scared as I am.

Shawn and I took our separate cars to Beyoncé's place. I used my key to enter the house. I didn't hear a sound besides the footsteps of Shawn behind me. The house was quite, way too quite. Listening carefully, I heard the faint sound of a television upstairs. I followed the sound which led me to the kids playroom. They sat quietly watching Mickey Mouse Club House until they spotted me, and immediately came running.

"Auntie Kelly!" I heard.

Camden rushed into my arms, but Camryn ran right past me.

"Shawn!" She shouted.

She rapped her arms around his legs, and he hugged her back. I wondered how she got so acquainted with him, but didn't bother to ask.

"You taking us to Chuckee Cheese?" She questioned.

"Not this time buddy." Shawn let out with a chuckle.

"Aww man."

"Umm... Excuse me Ms. Ealy. You did not say hi to me." I interjected.

"Hi auntie Kelly." She replied before giving me a hug.

I was glad that the kids are okay, but there is still no sign of Beyoncé, and it's not like her to leave her children home alone. She would never risk that, especially at this young age.

"Where's mommy?"

"In the shower." Cam answered without hesitation.

"She's been in there for a long time." Cammie added in a scared, timid tone.

"It's okay Cammie. I'll go check up on her. You guys just finish watching TV." I said

Both Shawn, and I walked extremely slowly, taking small steps until we reached Beyoncé's room. It was as if we were both nervous about what was behind the closed door. We both stopped before I placed an unsteady hand on her doorknob.

"Stay here. I'll call you if I need help." I instructed.

Shawn nodded his head, but I could tell that he did not agree with me. He desperately wanted to know what was going on.

I slowly entered the bedroom, that looked exactly the same as usual. The bed wasn't made, and a few articles of clothing were strewn on the floor, but that's typical Beyoncé. The sound of water running confirmed that she was indeed in the shower. I knocked on the door lightly, but where the sound was still audible over the sound of the running water. Not receiving an answer, panic began to rush through me. I knocked once again, still receiving no answer. Without receiving a response, my trembling hand twisted the doorknob and I opened the door.

"Beyoncé!" I called out over the running water.

I immediately ran to the shower opening the glass door, only to be greeted by Beyoncé's lifeless body laying under ice cold water.

"Beyoncé! This water is freezing."

I turned the water off and grabbed her hand, which immediately sent chills through my body.

"Everything okay?" I heard behind me, causing Beyoncé's eyes to open into thin slits.

I wanted to scold Shawn for not obeying me, but on the inside I knew he was just as worried as I was. He couldn't stand to wait out there, not knowing what was happening.

He looked over my shoulder, and once he saw Beyoncé's naked body a look of genuine shock spread across his face. He went right around me, and picked her up with ease. I grabbed a towel, and wrapped it around her as best as I could. Shawn carried her into the bedroom and laid her on the bed, before covering her snugly in a blanket.

"Beyoncé what the hell is wrong with you?!" I scolded.

She was doing so well. I thought that she was back on track towards bettering her life.

"Are you trying to freeze yourself to death?! What if something happened to your kids while you were taking an ice cold shower?! Did you not think about them, or any of us for that matter?"

I was not even mad at her. I couldn't be mad at her because she has done this so many times before. To say that I was hurt would be an understatement. I was crushed. I was devastated. For once I thought that I was finally going to my best friend, my sister back, but I guess she's too far gone.

All the while Shawn searched desperately through her drawers to find something warm for her to wear. He then dressed her in a pair of sweatpants, a long sleeve shirt, and a sweatshirt.

"I'm going to turn on the heat." He said to me with a timid tone, because he knew how I felt right about now.

"Beyoncé do you not care about any of us?" I asked softly.

The expression on her face remained unchanged. She simply stated at me through half opened eyelids, and didn't respond. I don't know what came over me, but the next thing I know is that my hand collided with her face. I didn't even realize what I had done until the loud slapping noise, and saw Beyoncé's head turn in response.

"KELLY! Give her a break." Shawn spoke before nudging me out of the way, and picking Beyoncé up bridal style.

"When she puts you through what she has put me through, then come and tell me to give her a break." I spoke softly before turning to leave.
A/N: Thanks for reading guys😘 leave comments on what you guys thought and  would like to see next. 5+ votes and comments for next chapter

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