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"I don't want to do this," George says angrily as his twin brother fastens his veil and pats down his hair.

"You know father wouldn't like that," his brother, Wilbur, puts on a fake smile as he continues to ready George's dress and appearance.

"I don't care, why do I have to do this shit anyways? You would be a much better heir than me and we all know it," George complains, looking around the cold and nearly empty dressing room. The venue is mostly quiet in this area besides the few people walking around.

"George, you're the one father wanted to marry Evan," Wilbur reaches over to his makeup bag for some products to do last minute touches.

George just scoffs at his twin's statement. "Right, because I'm the gay son he wants to reform and perfect. He already has you who is beyond perfection, I don't get it. He doesn't want me to inherit the company, he wants to use me to get on the good side of his dumb business partners. I don't want the company or any of the shady shit that comes with it."

"Cute rant but you know that's not going to help," Wilbur deadpans, finally finishing on George's appearance as he hears a knock on the door. "Speaking of the man."

George gives his brother a sarcastic and spiteful smile as Wilbur walks over to the door and lets in their father, exiting the room shortly after greeting him.

George's father, Phil, ominously walks across the quiet room to beside his son. George looks up with a hateful expression, never being one to get along with his father. Unlike Wilbur, George isn't a people pleaser, and he certainly acts out against his father's wishes. The two just butt heads a lot, and he always makes sure George knows every little thing he does wrong. The brunette can't catch a break around him, it's exhausting.

"You're not having any second guesses are you?" Phil asks his son with a false smile, his eyes burning into George's soul through the mirror they're both looking into.

"You know I don't want to do this," George says angrily, his eyes never leaving his father's.

Phil laughs and sets a hand on George's shoulder. "Oh but you must. If you mess this up for me, for the company, you will not see yourself in the future of this family or company ever again, George."

George's stomach drops at his father's harsh tone. Sure he's spoken like this to the brunette before, but now is different. Now his words aren't just baseless sentences hiding empty promises, rather harsh truths that George doesn't want to accept. He doesn't want to get married to the boring businessman named Evan whom he's had only one formal meeting with. He wants to go out and make his own destiny, however much of a Disney princess cliche that sounds like.

"Why?" George asks quietly. His father's expression seems to morph into that of confusion as he raises an eyebrow.

"Why what?" He asks calmly.

"Why me? Why not Wilbur? Hell, even Niki would make a better contender than me," George laughs quietly.

"Your bother and sister aren't as promising as you are," Phil spits out with fake niceness behind his voice.

"That's bullshit," George laughs emotionlessly as he pats down his large white dress. Of course they would put the gay man in a large white dress on his big day. George hates white dresses.

"You better straighten your act up soon before you're out of this family," Phil says quietly, his voice nearly a whisper, as he makes his way back to the door. "Pull anything and don't bother coming back."

Phil slams the door behind him when he exits, leaving George alone and shaken up. Wilbur enters moments later and finishes helping George get ready, noticing his twin's obviously upset expression. He knows there's nothing he can do to help his brother so he only leaves him alone with his thoughts.

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