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tw// mention of overdose

"What was that about?" Dream asks as Sapnap comes back into his office. The two of them have spent the majority of Thursday just sitting in Dream's office planning the next launch.

"It was nothing, where were we?" Sapnap says, but the look on his face says otherwise.

"You look upset, who was it?" Dream asks, raising an eyebrow and turning away from his work.

"It was George," Sapnap says, trying to sound nonchalant as to not alarm the blonde. Still, though, Dream's eyes widen at the name.

"What did he want?" Dream asks, eager to know.

"Nothing, he just wanted to talk to you," Sapnap shrugs. "I sent him away."

"Why would you do that?" Dream asks. "If he came here that must've meant it's important, right?"

Sapnap seems to think for a moment, then just shrugs again. "Didn't seem like it."

"Sapnap why didn't you tell me he was down there? You know how I wanted to talk things out with him. What if he was ready to explain himself? What if he was going to tell me the truth?" Dream says angrily, although he's more mad at himself for even getting into this situation in the first place. He misses when things with George were simple.

"Who knows, dude," Sapnap says. "I'm not just gonna let him manipulate you anymore though."

"Fine, but Sapnap, I'm not as naive as you think," Dream says matter-of-factly. "I let him take advantage of me once, but it won't happen again. I just want to talk to him about everything, you know this."

With this, their conversation ends. Sapnap feels bad for turning George away, and Dream just wants to know what the brunette had to say. Still, he tries to focus on work. He knows George is one phone call away, but he'd rather talk in person. That's what's stressful about the whole situation, he's so close to Dream's reach, yet so far away.

Dream lets his work consume him for the majority of that day, until he finally goes home. Upon entering the house, all he feels is the cold and lonely air against his body. He's not walking in alongside George; he hasn't done this in days, really. He misses the brunette, to say the least.

He decides to pick up a book sometime in the afternoon, and this consumes yet another few hours of his time. Somewhere in the midst of it all, though, Dream hears a knock at his door.

Wondering who would possibly need him so late on a Thursday night, Dream makes his way downstairs to the front door. He debates looking out the window to peek before opening the door, in case it's someone he doesn't want to talk to, but decides against that.

"Niki?" Dream opens the door to reveal George's sister, someone the blonde has only seen on a television screen or newspaper.

"Hello, may I come in?" She asks nicely, offering a slight smile.

Dream nods, confused at her presence. If anything, he'd expect George to come, not his sister. Who knows, though, maybe Niki has important news for him. The blonde leads her to his living room and they both take a seat on separate chairs.

"Could I get you anything? A water, maybe?" Dream asks, feeling as if he needs to impress this girl. After all, she's a part of a rich family, one that happens to be his business rival.

"No thank you. I'll make this as quick as possible, since you're probably wondering why I'm here," Niki says, watching as Dream nods in response. "I've heard that you're close to George. In fact, I've heard a lot about you. All good things, don't worry. Anyways, I feel as if George is in trouble."

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